Focus On
Education Week’s Focus On reports highlight an important topic in the education field each week.
States Rework Policies on Charter Buildings
Legislatures across the country have taken a variety of approaches to helping charter schools secure building space.
Education Funding
Charters Struggle in Search for Affordable Space
Some charter school operators, facing challenges in obtaining financing to open new facilities, have turned to options such as sharing space with traditional public schools.
Social Studies
Advocates Finding Ways to Bulk Up History Learning
Out-of-school and extracurricular activities are picking up some of the demand for teaching students history.
School & District Management
Chicago Upgrades Its Principal Pipeline
Amid a wave of school closings, Chicago is forging ahead with plans to groom a crop of high-performing principals.
Museums Open Doors to Informal Math Learning
A new museum in New York City, along with math exhibits in other museums, are designed to infuse fun into learning.
School Climate & Safety
States Pressing Schools to Add 'Intruder' Drills
Proposed mandates for emergency-preparedness drills are gaining traction in many statehouses.
School & District Management
Top Jobs Opening Up in Nation's School Districts
At least 17 well-known districts are facing superintendent vacancies, and the turnover may bring big changes in some school systems.
Students Conduct Fieldwork for Scientists' Research
Through "citizen science" projects, students leave the classroom to collect data for scientists and get hands-on experience.
College & Workforce Readiness
Swiss Academic and Career Paths Designed to Cross
System allows secondary students to shift from vocational training to a degree roughly equivalent to the high school diploma.
College & Workforce Readiness
New High School Pathways Emerging
Some states are trying to provide meaningful, rigorous, and flexible academic and career options for their students.
College & Workforce Readiness
High School Redesign Gets Presidential Lift
In both his State of the Union speech and now his budget proposal, President Obama has emphasized the importance of redesigning high schools.
School & District Management
Leadership Shifts at Top of Education Associations
New leaders are in place at five groups, and a sixth association is on the hunt, as some try to stay relevant in the policy debate.
New NAEP to Gauge Engineering, Technology Literacy
The computerized exam will ask students to apply their knowledge of technology and engineering principles to solve problems.
Engineering Building a Foundation in K-12 Curricula
Often the neglected part of STEM education, engineering is making inroads into the precollegiate sphere.