Arturo Casas, a senior at Riverside High School in El Paso, Texas, works out a problem for his Algebra 2 class. The nation made gains in math performance between 1992 and 2005.
Brienna Kollock, a 2nd grader, reads at her desk at Lulu M. Ross Elementary School in Milford Del., where students' test scores are closely monitored to identify academic needs.
A school bus passes snow-dusted fields on a late-afternoon route in Anamosa, Iowa. Local school officials have mixed feelings about the state's hands-off approach to standards.
Former Gov. James B. Hunt Jr. of North Carolina works at his law office in Raleigh. The nameplate on his desk is a reminder of his efforts to rally political and public support for a new system of school accountability.
In March 2024, Education Week announced the end of the Quality Counts report after 25 years of serving as a comprehensive K-12 education scorecard. In response to new challenges and a shifting landscape, we are refocusing our efforts on research and analysis to better serve the K-12 community. For more information, please go here for the full context or learn more about the EdWeek Research Center.
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