A 17-year-old boy accused of detonating two pipe bombs at a high school in California, while armed with a chainsaw and other weapons, is charged with trying to murder two faculty members.
A nonprofit group that performed a study of Oklahoma school district Web sites this summer says most didn’t meet basic criteria for transparency for taxpayers.
A state law that will become effective next year requires Illinois students to learn in U.S. history courses about the forced migration of millions to Mexico during the Great Depression.
New York City school officials and the teachers’ union have reached an agreement allowing principals to hire school aides with money raised by parents’ groups.
Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, kicked off a national back-to-school tour, joining forces with U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.
The Los Angeles board of education has agreed to open up as many as 250 schools to outside managers in a move meant to jump-start the pace of academic improvement in the nation’s second-largest school district.
The Massachusetts Democrat, who died Tuesday, put an indelible stamp on education policy, from Head Start to NCLB, earning respect across the political aisle.
Using federal economic-stimulus money for innovative school reform while also trying avoid to layoffs seems more pipe dream than reality, according to a study released last week.
Arkansas’ attorney general said that he’ll keep pushing to end the roughly $60 million a year the state gives in desegregation funding to three districts that say they’ve been successfully desegregated.
Louisiana schools chief Paul G. Pastorek is no stranger to controversy, but things seemed to reach the boiling point this summer for two prominent education groups.
School resource officers need the tools to strike a balance between their job of keeping schools safe and the privacy rights of students, says an ACLU white paper.
Having a national system of academic-content standards and tests doesn’t mean that local educators lose their say in how schools are run, according to a report.
"The capability to analyze and evaluate scientific explanations is one of the primary skills required of the scientist, not the high school student of science," writes Jonathan Osborne.
To the Editor: As a veteran California teacher, I salute the state for its database “fire wall” that protects dedicated teachers from the arbitrary nature of federal Race to the Top eligibility guidelines ("California 'Fire Wall' Becomes Hot Issue," Aug. 12, 2009). Did President Barack Obama or U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan ever teach in an urban public school?
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