October 31, 2012

Education Week, Vol. 32, Issue 10
Education 2012 Voter's Guide
Read about the issues and contests to watch Nov. 6, 2012 and the election-night stakes for state and federal education policy.
November 1, 2012
Teaching Profession Opinion Teacher Observation: High-Tech or Low-Tech?
Principals should mix high- and low-tech means to evaluate teachers during classroom visits, Kim Marshall writes.
Kim Marshall, October 30, 2012
6 min read
Law & Courts Pa. Plans Less-Severe Penalties for Minors Caught 'Sexting'
The new measure would make such acts a summary offense or a misdemeanor, depending on the circumstances, rather than the felony child-pornography charge currently filed in those cases.
Kevin Amerman, The Morning Call, Pa. (MCT) & John L. Micek, The Morning Call, Pa. (MCT), October 30, 2012
2 min read
Teaching Attention Shifts to Blended Learning at Virtual Ed. Conference
Keynote speeches, panel discussions, and new reports all put the spotlight on models for combining face-to-face and online instruction.
Ian Quillen, October 30, 2012
4 min read
Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, center, and United Teachers of Dade President Karen Aronowitz, right, react to the news that the Miami-Dade County school system has won the 2012 Broad Prize for Urban Education.
Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, center, and United Teachers of Dade President Karen Aronowitz, right, react to the news that the Miami-Dade County school system has won the 2012 Broad Prize for Urban Education.
Diane Bondareff/Invision/AP
School & District Management Miami-Dade Schools Win $550,000 Broad Prize
The district, a five-time finalist, won for its efforts to narrow achievement gaps, and improve instruction and management.
Jaclyn Zubrzycki, October 30, 2012
3 min read
School & District Management Teacher-Leadership Degrees Aim to Fill Career Gaps
Programs in teacher leadership have emerged as a growing number of teachers look to advance their careers and stay in the classroom.
Anthony Rebora, October 30, 2012
6 min read
Mentor teacher Sherilyn Waters, right, talks with her mentee, Sasha Inouye, in a kindergarten classroom at Kalihi Elementary School in Honolulu. Ms. Waters says classroom management is a topic that comes up frequently in her discussions with new teachers.
Mentor teacher Sherilyn Waters, right, talks with her mentee, Sasha Inouye, in a kindergarten classroom at Kalihi Elementary School in Honolulu. Ms. Waters says classroom management is a topic that comes up frequently in her discussions with new teachers.
Matt Mallams for Education Week
School Climate & Safety Classroom Management: Suspension Prevention
Some schools are cutting down on suspensions and office referrals by bolstering training in classroom management.
October 30, 2012
9 min read
School & District Management News in Brief El Paso Cheating Case Gets Fresh Scrutiny
A former Texas education official will oversee a state-ordered investigation of the El Paso school district amid a cheating scandal.
The Associated Press, October 30, 2012
1 min read
Standards News in Brief Date Set for Release Of Social Studies Draft
Social studies specialists have been working on a draft framework for common social studies standards which is set to be released Nov. 17.
Catherine Gewertz, October 30, 2012
1 min read
Education Funding News in Brief Voters to Decide Tax For Arts Education
Portland, Ore., residents will be asked to vote on whether to pay higher taxes for arts education in the trendy city.
October 30, 2012
1 min read
School & District Management News in Brief Boston Schools Chief Wins Urban Ed. Award
Carol R. Johnson, the superintendent of Boston's schools since 2009, was awarded the Richard R. Green award at the Council of the Great City Schools conference in Indianapolis this month. She will receive a $10,000 scholarship to award to a Boston student or a student from her alma mater.
Jaclyn Zubrzycki, October 30, 2012
1 min read
A girl waits behind the barricades before a campaign event for President Barack Obama in Dayton, Ohio, last week. He and his rival, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, have criss-crossed the country in the last, intense weeks of the race.
A girl waits behind the barricades before a campaign event for President Barack Obama in Dayton, Ohio, last week. He and his rival, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, have criss-crossed the country in the last, intense weeks of the race.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP
States Education Issues Underscore Election Stakes at All Levels
From the presidential campaign to statewide ballot measures, education has been a steady theme in the 2012 election season.
Andrew Ujifusa & Alyson Klein, October 30, 2012
4 min read
Classroom Technology News in Brief Smaller iPad Tablet Touted for Schools
Apple unveiled a new iPad Mini, and is touted as offering the same functions as the original iPad but with more portability.
Jason Tomassini, October 30, 2012
1 min read
Law & Courts News in Brief Miss. Cited in Lawsuit Over Juvenile Arrests
The U.S. Department of Justice sued several government agencies in Mississippi last week, saying they systematically violate the due process rights of juveniles and are thus operating a "school to prison" pipeline in the area.
Nirvi Shah, October 30, 2012
1 min read
Law & Courts Practical Hurdles at Play in Pa. Charter-Law Stumble
Lawmakers failed to agree on a bill to set up a commission looking into charter finance.
Andrew Ujifusa, October 30, 2012
5 min read
College & Workforce Readiness Graduation Rates Latest NCLB Waiver Flash Point
The Education Department is being urged to stiffen graduation-rate accountability in waivers given to states from NCLB provisions.
Michele McNeil, October 30, 2012
7 min read
School & District Management Opinion Rethinking Principal Evaluation
Student test scores should not serve as the major criterion for principal evaluation, Gail Connelly and JoAnn Bartoletti write.
Gail Connelly & Joann Bartoletti, October 30, 2012
4 min read
Teaching Profession Opinion About the Necktie
Educator Scott D. Farver comes to terms with the importance of dressing up for his students.
Scott D. Farver, October 30, 2012
3 min read
Early Childhood Governor Wins Round in N.C. Pre-K Feud
North Carolina's governor will shift $20 million in unspent funds to enroll 6,300 more 4-year-olds.
Lesli A. Maxwell, October 30, 2012
1 min read
Families & the Community Letter to the Editor Article Spotlights Needs of Hispanic Parents
To the Editor:
As the article "'Gateway' Districts Struggle to Serve Immigrant Parents" (Oct. 3, 2012) makes clear, Hispanic students are being unfairly discriminated against in school districts across the country. Many schools are consistently neglecting to provide parents with necessary documentation in Spanish, making it impossible for non-English-speakers to access their children's grades and disciplinary reports. Not only is this a discriminatory practice, it also contributes to the low performance of Hispanic students on state standardized tests.
October 30, 2012
1 min read
Teaching Profession Letter to the Editor Test Scores Should Play Smaller Role in Evaluation
To the Editor:
Everyone in education seems to be choosing sides in the Chicago teachers' strike, especially now that it's over. One of the major issues in the strike was the percentage of a teacher's overall evaluation that would be based on student test scores ("Chicago Dispute Puts Spotlight on Teacher Evaluation," Sept. 19, 2012).
October 30, 2012
1 min read
Federal Letter to the Editor Centralized Schools Are Not the Solution
To the Editor:
Justin Baeder asks a lot of questions in his recent blog post about "Equity and Waning Local Control" (Oct. 9, 2012), to the extent that it's possible to decipher what exactly he's arguing. He seemingly criticizes the United States' federalist structure for creating "an extremely loose confederation" of schools that underperform "tightly coordinated, centralized system[s]" like Finland or Singapore on student-achievement scores.
October 30, 2012
1 min read
Education Clarification Clarification
A story about the Chicago teachers' strike in the Sept. 26, 2012, issue of Education Week cited a 17.6 percent average salary increase for Chicago teachers over four years. That figure includes pay premiums for experience and for advanced degrees.
October 30, 2012
1 min read
Education Letter to the Editor Peacemaking Is Crucial For Teachers, Students
To the Editor:
I read with great interest Christopher L. Doyle's Commentary "The 9/11 Generation: An Exit Strategy for Moral Hardness in the Classroom" (Sept. 12, 2012). With an anthropologist's eye and brimming heart, Mr. Doyle enumerates the ways in which we all have become desensitized to the violence that pervades our lives today. He unabashedly calls us all to task and demands that we make a stand.
October 30, 2012
1 min read
George McGovern
Doug Dreyer/AP-File
Federal Obituary 1972 Presidential Candidate, Child-Nutrition Advocate Dies
George McGovern died Oct. 21 at the age of 90.
Andrew Ujifusa, October 30, 2012
1 min read
Education Funding News in Brief Audit Faults Federal Charter-Fund Tracking
An audit of charter school spending at the U.S. Department of Education concludes that federal officials have not properly monitored how states have spent that money.
Andrew Ujifusa, October 30, 2012
1 min read
Student Well-Being News in Brief Sport Status Urged for Cheerleading
With the number of cheerleading injuries continuing to climb, the American Academy of Pediatrics released a policy statement offering recommendations for ways to prevent them.
Bryan Toporek, October 30, 2012
1 min read
School & District Management Report Roundup Leader Pipeline
More than half of Iowa's school principals will be eligible for retirement over the next five years, spreading evenly across the state.
Debra Viadero, October 30, 2012
1 min read
Education Funding Report Roundup Technology Grants
Applicants to the federal funding program, E-rate, are torn over whether the program should continue to fund internal maintenance and network infrastructure projects.
Ian Quillen, October 30, 2012
1 min read