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  August 2, 2013 [Mobile] [Online Version] [Printer-Friendly] [Login]
Education and other programs face automatic, across-the-board cuts unless Congress comes up with another plan for the nation's long-term fiscal health.
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Amplify --Advertisement New Report on K-12 Mobile Tech Adoption
Mobile technology is on the rise, with tablets slated to surpass the sale of laptops and desktops by 2015. In this rapidly changing technology environment, how are U.S. school districts adapting? Learn how in a new research report sponsored by Amplify. Download the report today

To secure the best path forward for staff and students, district leaders new to the job would do well to follow a number of suggestions, write Jonathan Travers and David Rosenberg.
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Fact Finders! DVD by Patrick Allen --Advertisement The new DVD Fact Finders! features a shared think-aloud lesson to show your staff how to help students define their purposes for reading, distinguish the important from the merely interesting, and transfer ideas to their own independent reading. Click here for details!

Tony Bennett resigned Thursday following the revelation that, as Indiana's K-12 chief, he took steps to boost the state grade given to a charter school run by a political donor.
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Judge: Chicago School Closings Can Proceed
(August 1, 2013, District Dossier Blog)
Common Science Standards Ignite Debate at Ky. Public Hearing
(August 1, 2013, Curriculum Matters Blog)
Ed Dept.: Test Consortia Can Have Fewer Than 15 States
(August 2, 2013, Curriculum Matters Blog)
Sorry, Arkansas Schools, You Can't Just Load Up on Guns
(August 2, 2013, Rules for Engagement Blog)
Researchers Pursuing Novel Methods to Diagnose Autism
(August 1, 2013, On Special Education Blog)
PARCC Sees Dip in Confidence Poll of Washington 'Insiders'
(August 1, 2013, Curriculum Matters Blog)

Write Better Curriculum
(August 2, 2013, Global Learning Blog)
Standardized Testing for Colleges: A Necessary Evil?
(August 2, 2013, New Blog: Education Futures)
A Few Thoughts for Aspiring Scholars
(August 2, 2013, Rick Hess Straight Up Blog)
What Price Racial Diversity?
(August 2, 2013, Walt Gardner's Reality Check Blog)
Gaming Changes Teaching and Learning
(August 1, 2013, Leadership 360 Blog)

Comment of the Day
There truly is a short-sighted vision with regard to education. What needs to change is the tendency to cut programs before any reliable longitudinal studies can be produced so as to validate the efficacy and demonstrate the damage that can be produced by cutting its funding.

Weekly Forum Discussion
How has digital technology influenced your students' writing? What approaches have you taken to integrating digital tools (or not) into writing instruction, and which of those approaches have worked?
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States and districts face many barriers when it comes to putting data in the hands of educators. In this Spotlight learn from schools developing research-based alliances that put data into practice and see how data are being delivered to improve classroom instruction.
See other Spotlights.
1. Teacher Exodus Is No Surprise (Walt Gardner's Reality Check Blog)

2. Hurdles in Pairing General, Special Education Teachers

3. Why Ed Tech Is Not Transforming How Teachers Teach

4. Is Advanced Placement's Value in the Class or the Test? (Inside School Research Blog)

5. ESEA Reauthorization Efforts Running Up Against Senate Calendar (Politics K-12 Blog)

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