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Lessons from the World
May 6, 2004
- Education Tracking U.S. TrendsIn a time of tight state budgets, funding for educational technology is often first on the chopping block. And that has surely been the case in recent years.Education Australia/PacificSchools have made strides in using technology, but the commitment varies widely.Education South AmericaChile is seen as the leader in technology use in schools, while larger nations, such as Brazil, struggle to catch up.Education The Viking JourneyIcelanders’ passion to see beyond their island has put technology front and center in the nation’s schools.Education Singapore's Digital PathExperts say this tiny Asian nation is far ahead of its regional neighbors in using technology to improve student learning.Education A Canadian CritiqueA K-8 school that forged an international reputation for digital innovation has deliberately pared back its technology focus.Education North AmericaAs the United States turns its attention to measuring technology’s impact, other nations address different needs.Education Global LinksSingaporean educators are finding that technology is useful in fostering more self-directed learning, a shift away from the traditional “learn and drill” culture of that Asian nation’s schools. A cultural affinity for digital technologies in Iceland—spurred largely by a historical need to overcome geographic isolation—has filtered down to the schools in the North Atlantic island nation. Meanwhile, in Canada, some schools have scaled back aggressive technological approaches to make more time for basic academic teaching.