From the prairie lands of the east to the black hills of the west,
technology is the great equalizer among schools in South Dakota. spThanks
to a multiyear initiative to use technology to help surmount the
challenges often faced by the state’s small, rural schools, Advanced
Placement courses were offered for the first time this spring—via the
Internet—in 26 districts
With record gains being made in providing students with access to
computers and the Internet, more schools are shifting their priorities
toward other areas that have been simmering on the back burner—namely,
figuring out how to integrate technology into the curriculum in meaningful
It seems educators may be making more progress in providing access to
technology than in figuring out how to use it as a learning tool. At least
that’s what middle and high school students are saying, according to a new
Education Week/Market Data Retrieval/Harris Interactive poll.
In some of Chicago’s toughest neighborhoods, professional artists are
showing urban youngsters how to use technology to express themselves
through video and Web art.
When the first class went to the computer lab, it got what J. David
Ramirez considers a “really great” lesson. The students were working in
teams and taking full advantage of the computers’ research and graphic
When the topic of the digital divide arises, R. Craig Wood often asks
school administrators and teachers to picture what it would be like to
surf the Internet with their monitors turned off or without using a
computer mouse.
In a remote area of New Mexico, Central Consolidated Schools is struggling
to get a workable connection to the Internet for all its schools. delete
The 7,500-student district with 17 schools straddles a Navajo reservation.
The district’s five schools that are not on the American Indian
reservation, plus one that is, have a fast and robust connection to the
Internet. But 11 of the schools on the reservation have a lousy
connection, so slow that it can take half an hour to download a few e-mail
Students in Tim Comolli’s electronic-arts class at South Burlington High
School have won awards for their 3-D graphic designs; they’ve sold
computer-generated logos to businesses in their South Burlington, Vt.,
community; and they’ve taught teachers how to use Internet search engines
and sophisticated multimedia software.
Ashley Weagraff doesn’t worry about the boys anymore. She is the exception. One of the few girls taking technology-related classes
at G. Ray Bodley High School in Fulton, N.Y., the 15-year-old fought back
her initial anxiety and now works well with male students in a computer-
enhanced technical drawing, design, and production class.
The digital divide, in its simplest definition, is a matter of dollars and
cents: The less money you have, the less likely you are to own or use a
computer. space delete xx That fact helps explain why African American,
Hispanic, and American Indian students—many of whom come from families
with limited means—tend to have less access to computers, and to use them
in less sophisticated ways, than their white classmates.
At first glance, it’s tempting to conclude that the digital divide is
closing, declare victory, and move on to other priorities. space delete.
Indeed, some policy analysts—such as Adam D. Thierer, an economist at the
Heritage Foundation in Washington—are making such overtures. They argue
that even social and demographic groups that were clearly on the wrong
side of the divide just a few years ago are no longer as digitally
disenfranchised as some technology experts say.
There was a time, not long ago, when the so-called digital divide was
perceived and illustrated as a huge canyon or a miles-wide river. On the
one side stood the technology-rich, happy because they had access to
computers at school and home. On the other stood the technology-poor,
unhappy because they had no access at all.
To appreciate how wide the digital divide can stretch, you need only wander into teacher Bob Vukela’s computer-applications and business lab at Oliver High School here. You’ll find a dozen students tapping the clunky keyboards connected to Tandy 1000s, computers that are older than most of the teenagers in the room. Unfortunately, Vukela says, his is not the only computer lab in the Pittsburgh city schools sporting grossly obsolete machines.
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