May/June 2007

Teacher Magazine, Vol. 18, Issue 06
Professional Development Learning on the Job
Summer gigs with long-term payoffs.
Michelle R. Davis, April 24, 2007
1 min read
No cheating: Daily practice helps young typists.
No cheating: Daily practice helps young typists.
Doug Noon
IT Infrastructure & Management Opinion Reverting to Type
Being tech-savvy starts with learning keyboard skills.
Doug Noon, April 20, 2007
2 min read
Like 10,000 other military veterans, Jim Reynolds transitioned into education via the federal Troops to Teachers program.
Like 10,000 other military veterans, Jim Reynolds transitioned into education via the federal Troops to Teachers program.
David Kidd
Teaching Call of Duty
There's a program that funnels men into math, science, and special ed teaching positions at high-needs schools. Should it matter that they're all from the military?
Rich Shea, April 20, 2007
17 min read
Teacher Trolley inventor Jodi McKay taugh sans classroom for five years.
Teacher Trolley inventor Jodi McKay taught sans classroom for five years.
Kim Hummel
School Climate & Safety Schlepping and Learning
Classroomless? A former teacher's invention might be just the thing.
Sam Boykin, April 20, 2007
2 min read
Teaching Profession Ask the Mentor Do What You Have to Do
Career advice for teachers of all ages.
April 20, 2007
7 min read
Teaching Opinion Take This Job and Love It—Middle Grades
It is with no shame whatsoever that I admit that my career move from language arts classroom to library media center was, among other things, a very practical one.
Deanna Harris, April 20, 2007
1 min read
Teaching Opinion Take This Job and Love It—High School
Being a high school teacher means regularly engaging with soon-to-be adults just as their awareness of who they might become emerges.
Mary Tedrow, April 20, 2007
1 min read
Bob Pollard's conservation lessons now drive the whole school.
Owen Stayner
School Climate & Safety Fueling Change
An Alabama science teacher changes his school's oil. To biodiesel.
Amanda Jones, April 20, 2007
1 min read
Education Opinion Intelligent Life in the Classroom: Smart Kids & Their Teachers
As schools scramble to meet the standards associated with No Child Left Behind, it’s good to know there are still individuals who take the time to appreciate the qualities of accomplished students.
April 20, 2007
1 min read
Education Opinion Widening the Circle: The Power of Inclusive Classrooms
In Widening the Circle, Mara Sapon-Shevin, a professor of education at Syracuse University, makes a compelling case that inclusion helps everyone in a school.
April 20, 2007
1 min read
Education Opinion Pledging Allegiance: The Politics of Patriotism in America’s Schools
Pledging Allegiance may be this year’s most important education book, not simply because of its star-studded list of contributors, but for the way they examine the meaning and teachability of patriotism in post-9/11 America.
April 20, 2007
1 min read
Teaching Profession Opinion Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher
Want to be treated like a professional? Fire your principal.
Ronald A. Wolk, April 20, 2007
2 min read
Jim Nuttle
Reading & Literacy Opinion Yeah, but What’s Writing For?
No-holds-barred writing connects an educator with her students.
Lisa Mendelman, April 20, 2007
6 min read
IT Infrastructure & Management Classroom Essentials: What Would You Not Want to Teach Without?
Individual whiteboards. I’m a first-year teacher, so I don’t have many supplies. I kept asking for individual whiteboards because I had seen other teachers use them, but there wasn’t ever any money. Somebody told me whiteboards are made of the same stuff they use in bathrooms and in some kitchens. So I bought a 4-by-8-foot sheet of tile board at Lowe’s for $10.97. They cut it into 32 12-by-12-inch boards, which is more than enough for my class.
April 20, 2007
1 min read
Teaching Opinion Take This Job and Love It—Elementary
I always wanted to teach in a high school, but, along the way, teaching young students became my passion.
Julie Dermody, April 20, 2007
1 min read
Equity & Diversity An Inside Job
No hovering administrators. No high-stakes tests. No pestering parents. Barb Hagen teaches murderers and sex offenders, and she loves her work.
Denise Kersten Wills, April 20, 2007
23 min read
Education Letter to the Editor Gaming to Learn
In response to “Game On” [Classroom Tech, March/April]: The military and other industries have used gaming to effectively teach higher-level thinking skills and decisionmaking for years. Games are ideal for engaging and teaching students if the games’ content is appropriate.
April 20, 2007
1 min read
Education Letter to the Editor Bribe Away
If school gets our students ready for the real world, why shouldn't we bribe them?
April 20, 2007
1 min read
IT Infrastructure & Management Hands-Free Calling
Automated voice messaging helps teachers keep parents in the loop.
Amanda Jones, April 20, 2007
1 min read
Students can visit Australia's Reef HQ Aquarium without leaving school.
Students can visit Australia's Reef HQ Aquarium without leaving school.
Reef HQ Aquarium
IT Infrastructure & Management A Click Away
Virtual field trips offer new learning options.
Amanda Jones, April 20, 2007
2 min read
Teaching Profession At the Movies
Why you love Hollywood's reality-defying teacher movies.
April 20, 2007
2 min read
High school kids from June Jordan School for Equity watch ladybugs eat aphids.
High school kids from June Jordan School for Equity watch ladybugs eat aphids.
Abby Jaramillo
Student Well-Being Digging In
Dozens of groups offer assistance to teachers interested in starting school gardens.
April 20, 2007
1 min read
Sixth graders at Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Middle School make a vegetable stir-fry with produce they helped grow.
Sixth graders at Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Middle School make a vegetable stir-fry with produce they helped grow.
Abby Jaramillo
Student Well-Being Growing Vegetable Lovers
Turning dirt and bugs into better health for city kids.
Alexandra R. Moses, April 20, 2007
1 min read
David Kidd
School & District Management Why Teachers Quit
A new survey reveals why former teachers quit the profession.
Kimberly Palmer, April 20, 2007
2 min read
Education Ask the Teacher
Satisfied educators make for better test scores, studies show.
Steven Saint, April 20, 2007
3 min read
Some teachers have gotten in touble for online indiscretion, too.
Jim Nuttle
IT Infrastructure & Management Proceed With Caution
How not to embarrass yourself online.
Gigi Douban, April 20, 2007
1 min read
Assessment Cheat Sheet
Trading the cheating techniques of yesteryear for more sophisticated methods.
Amanda Jones, April 20, 2007
1 min read
Hands on: Manipulatives help students grasp abstract math concepts.
Hands on: Manipulatives help students grasp abstract math concepts.
David Kidd
Mathematics Taking Anxiety Out of the Equation
Teachers can help students break through their math anxiety.
Laura Donnelly, April 20, 2007
2 min read
School & District Management School’s Out—or Not
Should long summer breaks be a thing of the past?
April 20, 2007
1 min read