We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the all new With one goal in mind, delivering a user-empowered website, we spent 3 years with countless input from staff, reader feedback and best-in-class partners, to bring you straight to our K-12 experts. We’ve also updated how we bring you our award-winning journalism. Learn how you’ll find relevant and actionable content in our letter from the editor. Welcome to, an all-new website built just for you!
We asked ourselves over and over, ‘how would a principal look for that?’ or ‘where would a teacher expect to find information on this.’
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Special treatment for special reports.
Have a little more time to read Education Week’s highly anticipated special reports? We’ve made it easier to see all related articles in the special report, try it out now with December’s special report, Math Now: Problem-Solving in a Pandemic.
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Reading an article and want to research more? Click the topic tags on the bottom of the article and get all relevant articles. Try our new topics page today.
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Maybe you love to catch up on our expert journalist’s latest work, now you can follow your favorite reporters in My Account.
*Requires a free or paid accountRobust search capabilities.
We’ve created an all new search page so that 40-years of award-winning journalism, opinion editorials, videos, and events are at your fingertips.
Your trust is important to us. With clearer headings and call outs, all products and services from our sponsors will be clearly labeled, so you always know exactly where your information is coming from.