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Kindergartner Ava Josephine Mikel and teacher Priscilla Joseph dance to Haitian music during a game of “freeze dance” at Toussaint L’Ouverture Academy, a Haitian Creole dual-language program at Mattahunt Elementary School in Boston. More dual-language programs are cropping up in districts around the country.
For over four decades, Education Week has been committed to advancing high-quality education for all students. Philanthropic partnerships have been essential to supporting our mission of inspiring and empowering the nation’s practitioners and change-makers since our founding.

Today, funding from dozens of generous foundation partners supports our general operations, underwrites specific enterprise journalism projects, and helps us launch exciting new lines of work to meet the field’s urgent and constantly evolving needs. These partnerships—large and small—share a commitment to improving the experiences of students and educators through high-impact, independent news, information, and resources.

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Funding Opportunities

Education Week video staff filming in Puerto Rico
General Operations
Keeping up with today’s fast-paced world takes a well-resourced newsroom of experienced reporters and editors, researchers, visual journalists, and producers. General operating support allows Education Week to make the significant investments in the people, production capacity, and technology infrastructure that enable us to tell the story of American education. The whole story—covering the entire country and beyond, spanning numerous topical areas, elevating diverse voices from across the field, and delivering news, information, and insight across multiple media platforms.
Teacher and student on the floor of a classroom reading a book.
Enterprise Journalism Projects
Education Week is known for delivering both comprehensive coverage that spans numerous topical areas and enterprise reporting projects that go deep into the specific issues that shape conditions in the nation’s schools today and the opportunities of its students in the years ahead.

These special initiatives—which often combine independent news reporting with research, video and multimedia productions, first-person opinion features, and convenings—are underwritten by programmatic grants from our philanthropic partners. Every project is unique and designed to maximize our impact on the focal issues and audience needs.
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Equity Fund: Race & Opportunity
Building on Education Week’s long-standing commitment to addressing issues of race, diversity, and equity, we have established a dedicated reporting team or “desk” within our newsroom that is responsible for bringing a bold new vision to our coverage of Race & Opportunity.

The team has developed an ambitious new agenda of reporting, research, and storytelling on race, equity, and the nation’s ongoing struggle to combat systemic racism and broader forms of inequity. To make this vision a reality, we are developing a $1.5 million fund to launch and support this initiative over the next three years.

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