Bilingual Education

Learn more about the education model where students are taught part of the day in their first language and the rest of the day in a language that is new to them, typically English
Natalie Griffin, Executive Director of Special Programs for Mineral Wells ISD, pictured at the mobile book bus on December 20, 2022.
Natalie Griffin has successfully recruited bilingual teachers to her Texas district.
Nitashia Johnson for Education Week
English Learners Leader To Learn From She Defied Expectations as a Pregnant Teen. Now She’s Helping English Learners Do the Same
Natalie Griffin found bilingual educators for a district with a long-neglected English-learner population.
Caitlynn Peetz, February 6, 2023
7 min read
English Learners Video Teachers, Try This: Incorporate Students' Home Languages Into Your Classrooms
One Texas teacher utilizes her ELL students’ home languages to build community.
Lauren Santucci, December 15, 2022
Emily Francis
Emily Francis
Courtesy of Seidlitz Education
Teaching Profession Q&A Immigrant Teacher's Memoir Sheds Light on What English Learners Need
Emily Francis came to the United States at 15. Now an English-as-a-second-language teacher, she shares advice in her new book.
Ileana Najarro, October 25, 2022
5 min read
Lesliean Luna teaches her third grade class at Laurel Ridge Elementary School in Fairfax, Va., on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022.
Lesliean Luna teaches her 3rd grade class at Laurel Ridge Elementary School in Fairfax, Va., earlier this month.
Elizabeth Frantz for Education Week
Recruitment & Retention Q&A Answering a District's Call for Bilingual Teachers, a Mother and Daughter Leave Puerto Rico for Virginia
Lesliean Luna and Gabriela Muriente answer a school district's call for their language skills and teaching expertise.
Elizabeth Heubeck, October 21, 2022
5 min read
Images shows colorful speech bubbles that say "Q," "&," and "A."
School & District Management Opinion Principals: Supporting Your Teachers Doesn't Have to Be Such Hard Work
Principals can show teachers they care by something as simple as a visit to their classrooms or a pat on the back.
Larry Ferlazzo, May 24, 2022
12 min read
Images shows colorful speech bubbles that say "Q," "&," and "A."
English Learners Opinion Crystal Ball Predictions: What Will Education for ELL Students Look Like in 10 Years?
In the next decade, schools just might appreciate English-learners for whom they are and the language skills they possess.
Larry Ferlazzo, May 17, 2022
12 min read
English Learners Spotlight Spotlight on Bilingual Instruction
In this Spotlight, identify potential gaps in your schools, evaluate dual-language education programs, and more.
September 15, 2021
English Learners Spotlight Spotlight on Bilingualism and Remote Learning - Second Edition
In this Second Edition Spotlight, evaluate how schools will measure learning loss for English-learners and more.
February 26, 2021
English Learners Spotlight Spotlight on Bilingualism and Remote Learning
In this Spotlight, discover how educators are remotely assessing English-learners and more.
December 1, 2020
English Learners Q&A Spanish-Speaking Students Need Support. A New Podcast May Help
Por Nuestros Niños, an education-focused Spanish-language radio show and podcast, could help families navigate an uncertain return to school.
Corey Mitchell, August 31, 2020
4 min read
English Learners How Will Schools Measure English-Learners' 'COVID-Slide' Learning Loss?
Native-language assessments may more fully reflect what English-language learners know and can do academically after months away from school. But not all states offer them.
Corey Mitchell, June 17, 2020
3 min read
Federal More Funds Needed for English-Learners During Coronavirus Crisis, Advocates Tell Congress
More than 40 organizations have signed on to a letter to Congress, requesting $1 billion in aid to help districts and states meet the needs of the nation's nearly 5 million English-learners.
Corey Mitchell, April 21, 2020
3 min read
English Learners English-Learners May Be Left Behind as Remote Learning Becomes 'New Normal'
English-learners often lack access to technology at home, experts and educators say, and their teachers are less likely to assign them to use digital learning resources outside of class.
Corey Mitchell, March 17, 2020
7 min read
Teacher Preparation The Invisible Burden Some Bilingual Teachers Face
The extra work that many dual-language bilingual educators take on "too often goes unrecognized and is never remunerated," a new small-scale study concludes.
Corey Mitchell, February 7, 2020
3 min read