Bilingual Educators

Read more about the need for and experiences of teachers who speak both English and another language
English Learners L.A. Bilingual Aides Walk Out of Schools In Contract Dispute
Hundreds of teacher assistants in Los Angeles, most of them bilingual aides considered vital to communications with language-minority students in the city's classrooms, walked out of scores of schools last week after the district rejected contract demands by their recently established union.
Peter Schmidt, December 12, 1990
6 min read
English Learners N.J. Drops Bilingual-Certification Rules Requiring Demonstration of Proficiency
A decision by the New Jersey Department of Education to drop its requirement that candidates for bilingual-teacher certification demonstrate proficiency in the language they will teach in has seriously weakened the state's ability to ensure the quality of instruction, according to bilingual-education advocates.
Peter Schmidt, November 29, 1989
3 min read
English Learners L.A. Teachers Authorize Strike, Debate Bilingual Bonuses
The confrontation between the Los Angeles Unified School District and its teachers continues to escalate.
Lynn Olson & Deborah L. Cohen, March 22, 1989
4 min read
English Learners Bilingual Educators Challenge E.D.'s 'English Only' Proposal
For most bilingual educators, it was the first chance to challenge an official of the U.S. Education Department on its campaign to expand federal funding for "English only'' teaching methodologies.
James Crawford, April 15, 1987
5 min read
Education Bilingual Educators Seeking Strategies To Counter Attacks, Broaden Support
Bilingual-education advocates, stung by recent assaults from critics both inside and outside the Reagan Administration, are considering ways to mount a counterattack.
James Crawford, April 9, 1986
5 min read
Education New Jersey May Ease Regulations for Bilingual-Education Teachers
The New Jersey Board of Education, in an effort to ease a shortage of bilingual teachers, is considering a proposal to relax certification requirements as a way of encouraging more native-English speakers to enter the field.
James Crawford, February 19, 1986
8 min read
English Learners Houston Schools Turn to Mexico for Bilingual Teachers
Demonstrating just how difficult it has become to find enough bilingual teachers for Spanish-speaking students, the Houston Independent School District has carried its recruiting efforts south of the border.
J.R. Sirkin, February 27, 1985
6 min read
English Learners Few California Bilingual Teachers Are Hispanic
A new study examining the widely-accepted assumption that bilingual-education programs have been a major source of jobs for Hispanics has found that, in California at least, that has not been the case.
Hope Aldrich, August 24, 1983
3 min read
English Learners Districts Vying for Limited Supply of Bilingual Instructors
The Dallas school district, struggling with a shortage of more than 300 bilingual-education teachers, this month launched a new "Special Thrust" spring recruitment program that will utilize a staff of 21 and cost about $50,000. The recruiters will travel extensively, advertise in local newspapers and on local radio stations, and then set up "recruitment shops" in hotels.
Hope Aldrich, March 23, 1983
7 min read
English Learners Bilingual Educators Urge Link With Foreign-Language Teachers
Like their counterparts in mathematics and science teaching, teachers and advocates of bilingual education--meeting here for their annual convention--are seeking to build support for their discipline by emphasizing its potential for strengthening America's place in the world.
Eileen White, February 23, 1983
2 min read
English Learners U.S. Study Reports Shortage of Qualified Bilingual-Ed. Teachers
The current policy debate over the classification and instruction of students with limited proficiency in English appears to be reflected in a new federally sponsored study assessing the level of need for bilingual-education teachers nationally and the quality of the programs that train them.
Susan G. Foster & Martha Matzke, June 9, 1982
5 min read