
Read about what schools can do to prevent and respond to bullying
Tanya Holyfield, a second grade teacher with Manchester Academic Charter School, teaches remote students from her classroom on March 4, 2021, in Pittsburgh.
Tanya Holyfield, a 2nd grade teacher at Manchester Academic Charter School, teaches remote students from her classroom on March 4, 2021, in Pittsburgh. New federal data from the 2020-21 school year show that longstanding inequities among groups of students did not change much even in a year when many students spent all or part of the year in remote and hybrid learning.
Andrew Rus/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette via AP
Equity & Diversity What the Research Says New National Data Show Depth of Disparities in a Chaotic Year of Schooling
The first federal civil rights data released since the pandemic show that inequities persisted even when school buildings shut down.
Eesha Pendharkar & Sarah D. Sparks, November 15, 2023
10 min read
Illustration of a silhouetted figure standing in isolation on a labyrinth swirl.
Lorenzo Donati/iStock/Getty<br/>
Equity & Diversity Opinion An Urgent Message to School Leaders: Your Arab and Muslim Students Need You
In the past, Middle East conflicts prompted spikes of anti-Muslim collective blame. It’s happening again today.
Amaarah DeCuir , October 27, 2023
5 min read
Image of a school hallway with students moving.
School Climate & Safety What the Research Says The State of Bullying in Schools, in Charts
Bullying is a top safety concern for teachers. Four charts show how widespread it is in schools and what policymakers are doing about it.
Laura Baker & Arianna Prothero, August 31, 2023
1 min read
Illustration of person sitting with knees to chest and hands pointing at them and one have reaching out and open to offer help.
iStock/Getty Images Plus
Equity & Diversity District Failed to Protect Nonbinary Student From Harassment, Federal Investigation Finds
A Wisconsin district may owe compensatory instruction to a nonbinary student for excluding them from some in-person instruction.
Eesha Pendharkar, August 4, 2023
5 min read
Helena Donato-Sapp, age 14, speaks to thousands of National Education Association delegates about disability justice in the classroom on July 4, 2023.
Helena Donato-Sapp, 14, speaks to thousands of National Education Association delegates about disability justice in schools on July 4, 2023.
National Education Association
Special Education Q&A A Teenager With Disabilities Implores Educators: 'Be My Champion'
From cooperative learning to school projects, teachers can ensure that students with disabilities are fully included and supported.
Madeline Will, July 5, 2023
5 min read
Paper cut outs of people with one not included in the chain. On a blue background.
Student Well-Being No, Being Bullied or Ignored Doesn't Make Kids Stronger
Teens with a history of negative peer interactions feel the sting of being bullied or excluded much more than other kids, research shows.
Alyson Klein, April 7, 2023
4 min read
Image of a child wearing a backpack and adult holding hands as they walk.
Families & the Community What the Research Says Parents Today: Less 'Helicoptering,' More Concern About Kids' Mental Health
A new survey shows how parents' priorities for their children could be shifting.
Sarah D. Sparks, February 7, 2023
4 min read
Image of a student with rainbow straps on their backpack.
School Climate & Safety What School Is Like for LGBTQ Students, By the Numbers
Here are survey statistics on harassment, support, and fears experienced by LGBTQ students during pandemic-era schooling.
Eesha Pendharkar, October 25, 2022
4 min read
Close up of couple holding hands wearing rainbow flag wristband
iStock/Getty Images Plus
School Climate & Safety Some Breaks From Bullying, But Fewer Supports: How LGBTQ Students Fared in the Pandemic
A survey finds that LGBTQ students missed out on in-school supports in 2020-21, and a trend of declining harassment leveled off.
Eesha Pendharkar, October 18, 2022
3 min read
Image of woman with a "Together We Rise!" sign.
School Climate & Safety Opinion How A Texas Teen Turned Bias and Body-Shaming into Advocacy and Action
A 19-year-old student activist can teach educators lessons about how to inform and empower students.
Jinnie Spiegler, August 21, 2022
4 min read
Girl using smartphone with notifications of social media icons
iStock/Getty Images Plus
Classroom Technology Teachers Demand Answers From Social Media Companies: ‘What’s It Going to Do to Our Kids?'
Social media companies must address platforms' impact on kids' mental health and data privacy, educators say.
Alyson Klein, July 14, 2022
4 min read
Chain link fence and school building.
School Climate & Safety School Crime and Safety: What a Decade of Federal Data Show
Cyberbullying, behavioral issues, and shootings were among the top concerns in a report through 2019-20 school year.
Libby Stanford, July 8, 2022
5 min read
Cyber bullying concept. Paper cut Woman head silhouette with bullying messages like disgusting, OMG!!, loser, hate, ugly, and stupid.
iStock/Getty Images Plus
School Climate & Safety What the Research Says Bullying Dropped as Students Spent Less Time in In-Person Classes During Pandemic
Researchers based their findings on an analysis of internet searches on online and school-based harassment.
Sarah D. Sparks, January 10, 2022
5 min read
Hands of people point to a boy insinuating bullying.
iStock/Getty Images Plus
School Climate & Safety Violence, Hate Crimes in Schools Surged in Pre-COVID Period, Federal Watchdog Finds
Data from several years preceding the pandemic sketched a troubling trajectory, the Government Accountability Office found.
Andrew Ujifusa, November 29, 2021
7 min read