Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Education School Appeals Declined on Services for Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing Students
The U.S. Supreme Court declined appeals from two California school districts of rulings that backed one-on-one classroom transcription services for two deaf or hard-of-hearing students.
Mark Walsh, March 3, 2014
2 min read
Student Well-Being Deaf Seattle Seahawks Player Reaches Out to Hearing-Impaired 9-Year-Old Girls
Seattle Seahawks fullback Derrick Coleman, the first legally deaf offensive player in the National Football League, is using his story to inspire others.
Bryan Toporek, January 24, 2014
1 min read
Education Court Revives Suits on Classroom Transcription for Deaf Students
A federal appeals court has revived lawsuits on behalf of two deaf or hard-of-hearing students who claim they are entitled to one-on-one transcription services in the classroom.
Mark Walsh, August 6, 2013
3 min read
Education Opinion Sheila Resseger: How Testing Impacts a School for the Deaf
Guest post by Sheila Resseger.
I recently participated in the inspiring and informative webinar "How to Organize a Grassroots Group" put on by the Network for Public Education and the Northeast Indiana Friends of Public Education. I am a retired teacher of the deaf, having retired from the Rhode Island School for the Deaf in the fall of 2011 profoundly dismayed by the unreasonable sanctions placed on the school by the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE), headed by Deborah Gist (Broad Superintendents Academy 2008).
Anthony Cody, April 23, 2013
8 min read
Special Education 'Google' Ruling on Digitizing Books a Boon for Blind Readers
In the ruling, Judge Harold Baer specifically cited the benefits that digital content has for people with print disabilities. Meanwhile, Netflix agreed to provide closed captioning on 100 percent of its streaming content within two years.
Nirvi Shah, October 12, 2012
2 min read
Special Education New Special Ed. Research Will Tackle Deaf Students' Literacy Skills
A new round of about $60 million in grants from the National Center for Special Education Research awards researchers working to improve the school experiences of students with autism, ADHD, and who are deaf, among other disabilities.
Nirvi Shah, July 10, 2012
1 min read
Teaching Profession Technology Has Changed the Teaching of Deaf Students
Wider use of cochlear implants has reshaped the teaching of students who are deaf and hard of hearing, but the training of teachers hasn't necessarily evolved along with the technology.
Nirvi Shah, September 13, 2011
2 min read
Special Education Grants for a Mouse, Morphemes, and Mobile Dictionaries
A computer mouse for the foot? A system that keeps a wheelchair user from getting into an accident? A mobile signing math dictionaries with mouth morphemes? These futuristic-sounding creations are now closer to reality.
Nirvi Shah, August 16, 2011
1 min read
Special Education Early Intervention and Longterm Support Key for Deaf Students
The challenges of teaching children who are deaf or hard of hearing starts signed or spoken language start early and continue for years.
Nirvi Shah, June 1, 2011
3 min read
Special Education Utah Students Stay Home; Oregon Dog Goes to School
Students at Utah's Schools for the Deaf and Blind will have three fewer days of school this year because of budget problems.
Nirvi Shah, April 27, 2011
1 min read
Special Education Performance Lags for Students With Hearing Impairments
A study finds that "higher percentages of youth with hearing impairments scored below the mean in reading, math, science and social studies, compared to students in the general population.
Nirvi Shah, March 4, 2011
2 min read
Special Education Special Education Programs, Private Placements, Under Assault
Several states, including New York and Texas, are considering proposals to cut specific special education programs or to trim spending across the board.
Nirvi Shah, February 14, 2011
1 min read
Education News in Brief S.D. Lawmakers Uphold Veto of Bill on Deaf Education
South Dakota lawmakers last week upheld Gov. Michael Rounds' veto of a bill that would have required the state to set up programs for children who are deaf or have impaired hearing.
The Associated Press, April 6, 2010
1 min read
Special Education Advocacy Group Posts Podcast on Hearing Screening
A child with mild hearing loss can miss as much as half of what goes on in a classroom, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association says.
November 13, 2009
1 min read