Live Online Discussion

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Free-form discussion between educators, researchers, and leaders from the K-12 world

We know that access to leadership is critical to inspiring you and your work. That is why we created A Seat at the Table With Education Week—a live, online video conversation and webinar with experts in the field, including your fellow practitioners. These conversations provide you with the opportunity to engage directly with educators and researchers on a range of topics and issues that matter most to you.

Even during these challenging times, you know that a better education for all students is possible. And we do, too.

Join the conversation. Break down the barriers. Shape the future of education.

Fields of interest vary widely on a range of topics you’ll see below.

Tune in regularly for this virtual chat, a free-form discussion between educators, researchers, and leaders from the K-12 world.

  • No presentations.
  • No handouts.
  • Just compelling idea exchange.

Ask your questions and engage with leading-edge practitioners and cutting-edge thinkers who, like you, want to make a difference in—and out—of schools today.

Teaching Live Online Discussion A Seat at the Table With Education Week: How Educators Can Respond to a Post-Truth Era
America is more divided than ever—and dangerously so. We need not look any further than the recent attack on the U.S. Capitol while Congress was certifying the results of the presidential election. The denial of
January 28, 2021
Assessment Live Online Discussion A Seat at the Table With Education Week: Testing & Accountability
The pandemic has disrupted lives and schooling for nearly a year, and some in the education space—and beyond—worry about lost learning. One way to know what has been lost is through testing, but is it
January 13, 2021
School & District Management Live Online Discussion Ethical Leadership: What Does That Really Mean?
In 2019, Andy Hargreaves wrote, “One way to think about ethical leadership is that while morality is about right and wrong, ethics is about how to judge what’s right and wrong, and how to do
December 1, 2020
School & District Management Live Online Discussion How Principals Can Manage Stress and Anxiety Right Now
Principals are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety as they navigate what likely will be the most challenging year of their careers. Making decisions that affect their students and their school communities in the
October 28, 2020
Budget & Finance Live Online Discussion Segregated School Funding and the Seemingly Unattainable American Dream
Brookings Institute Fellow Andre Perry says that “school districts are an heirloom of our segregated past.” Perry will join as a guest to discuss why schools predominated by students of color receive $23 billion less
October 14, 2020
Student Well-Being Live Online Discussion Trauma-Informed Teaching: How to Identify and Help Students During COVID-19
Schools are back in session, but the impact of trauma during COVID-19 continues. Host Peter DeWitt will be joined by Ricky Robertson and Nadine Burke-Harris to discuss.
September 29, 2020
Student Well-Being Live Online Discussion Challenging a Growth Mindset in the Time of COVID-19
Carol Dweck discusses the nuances of the growth mindset, arguably one of the most familiar phrases and focal points of educational research.
September 15, 2020
Equity & Diversity Live Online Discussion The Persistence of Education Inequity: A Father and Son's Exploration of Race and Schools
Tyrone Howard and Jaleel Howard discuss their experiences as Black men and helping to make schools become equitable for students of color.
August 17, 2020
Professional Development Live Online Discussion Instructional Coaching: How to Navigate Remote, Hybrid, and In-Person Teaching
For many teachers, coaches are a helpful resource who can make a real difference, but for others, they are simply compliance officers.
August 5, 2020
Equity & Diversity Live Online Discussion The Equitable Classroom: How to Create Access for All Students
COVID-19 revealed in stark terms which students had opportunities to connect online with their teachers and which ones were handed packets.
July 27, 2020
Student Achievement Live Online Discussion Providing Deep Learning Experiences to Students
Join a conversation on how educators can use John Hattie's research to provide deep learning experiences for students in spite of COVID-19.
July 14, 2020
Teaching Live Online Discussion Culturally Responsive Teaching: How to Improve Your Impact in the Physical or Virtual Classroom
Discuss with us how to provide culturally responsive teaching whether you are in the physical or virtual classroom.
July 1, 2020
Equity & Diversity Live Online Discussion Embracing Racial Justice in a Time of Change
Join John D. Marshall, chief equity officer of Jefferson County Public Schools, for a live talk show on racial justice, equity, and schools.
June 22, 2020
Assessment Live Online Discussion What Should Effective Grading and Assessment Look Like During—and After—the Coronavirus Pandemic?
Peter DeWitt will discuss grading and assessment during the current pandemic with Thomas R. Guskey, a senior research scholar.
June 17, 2020