Education Chat

How to Thrive as a Teacher

Meenoo Rami, author of Thrive: 5 Ways to (Re)Invigorate Your Teaching, joined Education Week Teacher for this online chat.

How to Thrive as a Teacher

Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 7 to 8 p.m. ET
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How to Thrive as a Teacher

Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 7 to 8 p.m. ET
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Teachers today face a range of complex challenges, from seemingly impossible student-progress goals to ever-shifting instructional mandates to a general lack of resources and support. Is it really possible for anyone to flourish in this environment?

Meenoo Rami, author of the recently published Thrive: 5 Ways to (Re)Invigorate Your Teaching, believes it is. In this chat, Rami took your questions on navigating and energizing your career as a teacher. She discussed ways to build empowering relationships and networks, stay true to your values, and instill your own and your students’ work with passion and intellectual vitality.

Meenoo Rami, English teacher, Science Leadership Academy, Philadelphia; founder, #engchat, a popular Twitter chat for English teachers; author of Thrive: 5 Ways to (Re)Invigorate Your Teaching (@meenoorami)

Anthony Rebora, managing editor, Education Week Teacher, moderated this chat.