
A collection of stories told through data visualizations, all produced by the visual journalists at Education Week
Illustration of Covid-19 impacting 3 years of school
Vanessa Solis/Education Week and Getty Images
School & District Management Infographic 9 Charts That Show the Lasting Effects of COVID on Schools
Key data on some of the move consequential changes, five years later.
Maya Riser-Kositsky, March 18, 2025
3 min read
A George Westinghouse Career and Technical Education High School student participates in a butchery class at Essex Kitchen in New York, Tuesday, May 21, 2024.
A student at George Westinghouse Career and Technical Education High School tries her hand in a butchery class at Essex Kitchen in New York on May 21, 2024. Most high school students think they need more education after graduation, but they're less likely than previous generations to think it needs to be at a four-year college.
James Pollard/AP
College & Workforce Readiness Infographic Students Want to Learn More About Careers. Will High Schools Step Up?
Students say they want more career education, and EdWeek Research Center survey data show schools are emphasizing it more.
Matthew Stone, October 1, 2024
5 min read
Illustration about warnings, with a businessman and woman each holding a with megaphone in front of a caution symbol.
Nuthawut Somsuk/iStock/Getty
School Climate & Safety Infographic What CDC Safety Data Reveal About School Absenteeism, in Charts
New federal data show a rising number of students feel unsafe at school.
Sarah D. Sparks, August 14, 2024
2 min read
Student hanging on a tearing graduate cap tassel
DigitalVision Vectors/Getty
College & Workforce Readiness Infographic Students Feel Good About Their College Readiness. These Charts Tell a Different Story
In charts and graphs, a picture unfolds of high school students’ lack of preparedness for college.
2 min read
Stylized illustration of a pie chart
Traci Daberko for Education Week
Education From Our Research Center What's on the Minds of Educators, in Charts
Politics, gender equity, and technology—how teachers and administrators say these issues are affecting the field.
Elizabeth Rich & Vanessa Solis, September 1, 2023
1 min read
Photograph of closed lockers in a school hallway, in the distance a there is a blurry figure.
Drew Bloksberg/iStock/Getty
School Climate & Safety From Our Research Center Educators' Views on School Safety, in Charts
See how teachers, principals, and district leaders currently feel about their safety.
Caitlynn Peetz & Vanessa Solis, July 11, 2023
1 min read
Dalia Gerardo works with her 2nd grade students at West Elementary, in Russellville, Ala., on Dec. 9, 2022.
Dalia Gerardo, una maestra bilingüe, trabaja con sus estudiantes de segundo grado en West Elementary, en Russellville, Alabama, el 9 de diciembre de 2022. El salón de clases de Gerardo presenta letreros bilingües que apoyan a sus estudiantes de inglés—y alientan a los angloparlantes monolingües a interactuar con el español.
Tamika Moore for Education Week
English Learners Infographic El Crecimiento de Estudiantes Hispanos y los que Aprenden Inglés en EEUU—en Gráficos
Mientras la composición demográfica de escuelas públicas cambia, distritos deben evaluar cómo están sirviendo a sus estudiantes.
Ileana Najarro, June 2, 2023
1 min read
Illustration of a giant red addition symbol on a field of numbers
Vanessa Solis/Education Week via Canva
Mathematics Explainer How Addition Fluency Develops: A Visual Explainer
From basic counting to automatic recall, see how students learn to grasp their addition facts.
1 min read
Students attend a coding class at Mineola Middle School in Mineola, New York, March 13, 2023.
Students at Mineola Middle School in Mineola, N.Y., will be required to take an introductory AP computer science course when they move on to high school.
Mostafa Bassim for Education Week
Classroom Technology From Our Research Center How Educators Feel About the Impact of Technology, in Charts
Most educators believe their schools' recent investments in technology are paying off in terms of student academic gains.
Arianna Prothero, March 27, 2023
1 min read
Dalia Gerardo works with her 2nd grade students at West Elementary, in Russellville, Ala., on Dec. 9, 2022.
Dalia Gerardo, a bilingual teacher, works with her 2nd grade students at West Elementary, in Russellville, Ala., on Dec. 9, 2022. Gerardo's classroom features bilingual signs that support her English learners—and encourage monolingual English speakers to engage with Spanish.
Tamika Moore for Education Week
English Learners Infographic The Growth of Hispanic Students and English Learners Nationwide—in Charts
As the demographic makeup of public school students changes, districts need to evaluate how well they are serving their students.
Ileana Najarro, January 30, 2023
1 min read
Image of street signs: (1) Stop sign, and (2) Gun Free School Zone.
Education Week and sshepard/iStock/Getty
School Climate & Safety Infographic School Shootings in 2022: 4 Key Takeaways
Education Week counted more school shootings in 2022 than in any other year since the news organization began tracking them.
2 min read
Students in Kristine Hunchuck's middle school class participate in an SEL lesson at the Jefferson PK-8 school in Warren, Ohio, on Nov. 1, 2022.
Students in Kristine Hunchuck's middle school class participate in an SEL lesson at the Jefferson PK-8 school in Warren, Ohio, in November.
Daniel Lozada for Education Week
Student Well-Being From Our Research Center How Educators View Social-Emotional Learning, in Charts
Educator support for social-emotional learning remains strong nationwide despite parental pushback in some places.
Kevin Bushweller, November 7, 2022
1 min read
Illustration of staff for a school.
Laura Baker/Education Week and treety and iStock/Getty
School & District Management Infographic School Staffing by the Numbers
How many people work in schools, what types of work do they do, and how much do they get paid? Education Week breaks it down for you.
Maya Riser-Kositsky, June 15, 2022
5 min read
Illustration of a gun and a school in the background.
iStock/Getty collage
School Climate & Safety Infographic School Shootings in 2021: 4 Takeaways, in Charts
In 2021, there were 35 school shootings that hurt or killed people, the most since 2018. Here's what we know about school shootings this year.
3 min read