Instructional Time

Image of a teacher in a classroom working with students.
In a national survey of educators by the EdWeek Research Center last year, about 85 percent said one hour should be the maximum amount of time devoted to social-emotional learning per day.
Student Well-Being From Our Research Center How Much Time Should Schools Spend on Social-Emotional Learning?
District leaders and experts say what’s most important is integrating SEL skills into all academic subjects.
Lauraine Langreo, May 24, 2022
5 min read
Photo of classroom clock.
Design Pics / Getty Images Plus
School & District Management Why Schools See Extra Time as the Solution to Making Up for Lost Instruction
Districts are combating pandemic learning disruptions by adding instructional time. Atlanta is among the few to extend the school day.
Evie Blad, March 22, 2022
9 min read
Empty desks in a dark classrooom
Student Achievement Longer COVID-Related School Closures Could Hurt Students' Future Earnings
Students who experienced the longest school closures will face lower future earnings and are less likely to go to college, a new study says.
Olivia Rockeman and Nic Querolo, Bloomberg News, October 26, 2021
1 min read
Johnny Rivera discusses an algebra problem with classmates at iLEAD Academy in Carrollton, Ky.
Johnny Rivera discusses an algebra problem with classmates at iLEAD Academy in Carrollton, Ky.
Pat McDonogh for Education Week
Mathematics What the Research Says Doubling Down on Algebra Can Pay Off in College, But Who Your Peers Are Matters, Too
A new study links taking extra-long algebra classes in early high school to a higher likelihood of earning a college degree years later.
Sarah D. Sparks, June 28, 2021
3 min read
Kelly Mack works on her laptop to teach remotely from her early 1940s vintage camper/trailer in her backyard at home in Evanston, Ill., on Sept. 2, 2020. Most students in Illinois have been starting remote learning this fall, according to results from an Illinois State Board of Education survey. Mack teaches math at Nichols Middle School in Evanston.
Kelly Mack, a math teacher at Nichols Middle School in Evanston, Ill., works on her laptop to teach remotely from her camper/trailer.
Nam Y. Huh/AP
Student Achievement New Data on the Ways Full-Time Remote Learners Lost Out
A new report by the RAND Corp. shows that students who were in fully remote schools had less instructional time and worse outcomes.
Madeline Will, May 27, 2021
9 min read
Image of a clock on a spiral notebook.
Teaching & Learning What the Research Says How Much Real Learning Time Are Students Losing During the Pandemic?
Students have gotten less direct instruction during the pandemic, finds a new study, and home learning activities aren't making up the gap.
Sarah D. Sparks, February 2, 2021
3 min read
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iStock/Getty Images Plus
Teaching Opinion How Unexpected Interruptions Hurt Student Learning
Intrusions curb the flow of even the most well-planned lessons. It's time schools rethink the procedures that undermine student engagement.
Sara Gartland, June 6, 2018
4 min read
Adam Pisoni is the Founder & CEO of Abl Schools. Based in San Francisco, he co-founded the communication software company Yammer in 2008, which Microsoft bought for $1.2 billion in 2012.
Courtesy of Adam Pisoni
Teaching Opinion A Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Takes on the Master Schedule
A school’s master schedule can take months to build and can contribute to education inequities. Adam Pisoni wants to change all of that.
Liana Loewus, January 10, 2018
6 min read
Beware the Four-Day School-Week Trap: Before shortening the school week to save money, districts should carefully weigh the costs, researcher Paul Hill cautions.
School & District Management Opinion Beware the Four-Day School-Week Trap
Before shortening the school week to save money, districts should carefully weigh the costs, researcher Paul Hill cautions.
Paul Hill, July 14, 2017
3 min read
Ja’Malachi Server-Walker, 4, (left), Julian Aguilar-Gasga, 4, (right) and their classmates offer books to be read by teacher Ytashia Harris at the Skelly campus of the Community Action Project, a Head Start center in Tulsa, Okla.
Ja’Malachi Server-Walker, 4, (left), Julian Aguilar-Gasga, 4, (right) and their classmates offer books to be read by teacher Ytashia Harris at the Skelly campus of the Community Action Project, a Head Start center in Tulsa, Okla.
Shane Bevel for Education Week-File
Early Childhood New Head Start Rules Aim to Balance Flexibility, Oversight
Many of the revisions reflect an evolving knowledge of how young children learn, as well as the changing landscape in the field of early education.
Christina A. Samuels, September 13, 2016
4 min read
Special Education Longer Day, Year Required for Many Head Start Programs
Final performance standards are aimed at raising professional-development requirements and educational standards for the federal preschool program, while cutting the red tape.
Christina A. Samuels, September 6, 2016
3 min read
Michele Haussler, a parent and Art in Action volunteer, teaches 5th graders at Taft Community School in Redwood City, Calif., about the quilts created to pass on signals to fleeing slaves traveling on the Underground Railroad.
Michele Haussler, a parent and Art in Action volunteer, teaches 5th graders at Taft Community School in Redwood City, Calif., about the quilts created to pass on signals to fleeing slaves traveling on the Underground Railroad.
Kathryn Baron/Education Week
Families & the Community Volunteer Group Restores Art Lessons in Schools
Art in Action trains parents in 19 states to teach art in schools that have cut the subject from the curriculum.
Kathryn Baron, April 26, 2016
7 min read
Students arrive at The School of Creative Studies, a magnet school for grades 6-12 in Durham, N.C., last week. Next year, most of Durham’s high school students will start around 9 a.m., allowing them to get more sleep.
Students arrive at The School of Creative Studies, a magnet school for grades 6-12 in Durham, N.C., last week. Next year, most of Durham’s high school students will start around 9 a.m., allowing them to get more sleep.
Justin Cook for Education Week
School & District Management Teens Need More Sleep, But Districts Struggle to Shift Start Times
Transportation costs and family schedules are among the factors that make changing school start times tough for educators.
Evie Blad, September 22, 2015
6 min read
Families & the Community Proposal to Boost Head Start Hours, Year Draws Concern
Some providers warn they would have to drop children from the federal early-education program because of a lack of facilities or teachers.
Christina A. Samuels, September 15, 2015
6 min read