Student Well-Being Video

How This Public School Serves Students Recovering From Addiction

By Kaylee Domzalski & Lauren Santucci — November 9, 2023 3:44
Mission 4 BS

For students dealing with drug and alcohol addiction, school can be a fraught experience where they feel isolated from their peers and struggle to have their academic and mental health needs met.

In Las Vegas, Mission High School provides students in those circumstances with the support and structure they need for their recovery. The public school, which opened in 2017, currently serves 17 students. Its leadership is working to ensure that everyone in the district is aware of all that the school offers.

The goal of the school is the same as any other public high school: to set students up for post-secondary success in college or careers.

Here’s what the student experience at Mission looks like.

Kaylee Domzalski is a video producer for Education Week.
Lauren Santucci is a video producer for Education Week.


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