Performance Pay

Understand more about basing salary bonuses or raises on performance rather than solely on tenure
Teaching Profession Opinion Five Things to Incentivize in Teacher Compensation Plans
Does "differentiating" teacher pay (beyond the usual salary schedule) result in Better Teaching and More Learning? Can we use financial incentives to build the teacher force every school leader dreams of: bright stars relentlessly pursuing the all-important data, working 60 hours a week, cheerfully compliant?
Nancy Flanagan, July 16, 2015
5 min read
A giant dresser on Hamilton Street stands in homage to the furniture industry in downtown High Point, N.C.
A giant dresser on Hamilton Street stands in homage to the furniture industry in downtown High Point, N.C.
Justin Cook for Education Week
Education Funding Photo Essay Observing an Uncertain Future for School Districts in North Carolina
Justin Cook reflects on his familial roots as he documents two North Carolina school districts.
Education Week Photo Staff, June 17, 2015
4 min read
Teaching Profession Testing Season Gets Teachers Excused From Jury Duty
Two teachers in Tampa, Fla., used the demands of testing season to get excused from being on the jury for a murder trial.
Jordan Moeny, April 9, 2015
1 min read
Teaching Profession TNTP Presses for Performance-Pay Systems for Teachers
To bolster teacher quality, schools systems desperately need to institute variable pay structures that reward educators based on performance and challenging assignments, according to a report released this week by TNTP, a prominent nonprofit teacher-recruitment and policy organization.
Anthony Rebora, July 18, 2014
3 min read
Teaching Profession D.C. Teachers Improved After Overhaul of Evaluations, Pay
The closely-watched system for evaluating teachers and providing bonus pay in the District of Columbia appears to be motivating weak and strong educators alike to higher performance.
Stephen Sawchuk, October 22, 2013
4 min read
Teaching Profession News in Brief Texas Axes Teacher Merit-Pay Plan
The once-vaunted teacher merit-pay plan in Texas will be converted this fall into a state grant program that pays for innovative education initiatives in a few dozen poor schools.
McClatchy-Tribune, October 22, 2013
1 min read
Education Funding Georgia in Doghouse on Race to Top
Federal officials may withhold $9.9 million of Georgia's Race to the Top grant because the state eliminated a merit-pay plan for educators.
Michele McNeil, August 6, 2013
1 min read
Teaching Profession Combined Measures Better at Gauging Teacher Effectiveness, Study Finds
Basing more than half a teacher's evaluation on student test scores seemed to compromise it, researchers also found.
Stephen Sawchuk, January 8, 2013
8 min read
Teaching Profession Teachers' Contract Includes Peer Review
The pact approved in Newark, N.J., sets up a dual salary schedule and ensures teacher involvement in evaluations.
Stephen Sawchuk, November 28, 2012
3 min read
Teaching Profession Surveys Find Generation Gap on Contested Teacher Policies
Newer teachers are more likely than their veteran counterparts to support controversial education policies.
Liana Loewus, November 13, 2012
6 min read
Teaching Profession News in Brief Facebook Grant Funds Newark Teacher Plan
A tentative contract for teachers in the Newark public school system allows for merit pay bonuses funded mainly through a grant from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
The Associated Press, October 23, 2012
1 min read
Recruitment & Retention Opinion USDOE Announces TIF Round 4 Awards
Today, the U.S. Department of Education announced the recipients of round four of the Teacher Incentive Fund. The TIF 4 competition has two components: the General TIF Competition and the TIF Competition with a Focus on STEM. The districts and states that secured awards include:
Emily Douglas-McNab, September 27, 2012
1 min read
States State Ballot Measures Include Hot K-12 Issues
Voters in various states will decide on teacher evaluations, funding, and charter school access, among other issues.
Andrew Ujifusa, September 25, 2012
6 min read
Education Funding Letter to the Editor Teacher Compensation Is 'One Piece of the Puzzle'
To the Editor:
Laura Overdeck, Arthur Levine, and Christopher Daggett are exactly on target in "Rethinking Teacher Compensation" (Aug. 22, 2012). Indeed, we must reassess and front-load how we pay teachers as a first step toward attracting and keeping the most effective candidates. However, front-loading compensation is incomplete.
September 18, 2012
1 min read