Image of a piggy bank with data.
Curriculum Higher-Income Teenagers Are More Financially Literate, Global Test Finds
The second-ever international assessment for financial literacy finds U.S. students are about average.
Jaclyn Zubrzycki, May 24, 2017
4 min read
College & Workforce Readiness Opinion Immigration and Education Are Necessary to Build a Strong Workforce
Marc Tucker discusses why immigration and education are essential components for building a highly skilled workforce.
Marc Tucker, May 18, 2017
4 min read
Assessment Opinion How Massachusetts Built a World-Class School System
Marc Tucker takes an inside look at how Massachusetts built an education system that ranks near the top of the PISA league tables and where it goes from here.
Marc Tucker, December 22, 2016
10 min read
Federal PISA: U.S. Students Interested in STEM, but Scores Are Stagnant
American students' scores in math and reading on the Program for International Assessment have not improved since 2009, and math scores have gone down.
Sarah D. Sparks, December 7, 2016
5 min read
School & District Management PISA Provides Peek at How Attendance, School Climate May Affect Achievement
The newest results on the international PISA test show how factors like attendance and school climate correlate with academic achievement.
Evie Blad, December 6, 2016
3 min read
Federal Opinion The 2015 PISA Results: What Do They Mean?
Marc Tucker explores how the PISA 2015 results may impact how we think about everything from math instruction and teaching quality to our place in the global labor market and immigration policy.
Marc Tucker, December 6, 2016
7 min read
School & District Management U.S. Treads Water in PISA Results for Science, Math, Reading
U.S. teenagers have flatlined in international assessments of science and reading, and declined in math.
Sarah D. Sparks, December 6, 2016
4 min read
School & District Management Math Students From High-Performing Countries Memorize Less, PISA Shows
Students in the highest-performing countries for mathematics are less reliant on memorization strategies than their peers in lower performing-countries, according to a new analysis of international assessment data.
Liana Loewus, October 11, 2016
2 min read
Federal Finland's Education Minister Discusses New National Curriculum and PISA Scores
Finland is rolling out a new national curriculum this fall that focuses on multi-disciplinary learning. Education Week sat down with the Finnish Minister of Education to discuss the roll-out, an investment in teacher education, and the upcoming PISA scores.
Madeline Will, October 6, 2016
9 min read
Reading & Literacy U.S. Shrinks Share of Low Scorers on PISA—a Little
An international study finds that the U.S. has fewer low-performers in science on the PISA but not so for math or reading.
Sarah D. Sparks, February 16, 2016
3 min read
Federal What We Know About Struggling Math Students, According to PISA Results
The latest data-heavy report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is turning up some interesting and sometimes counterintuitive details on just who is likely to struggle the most on international benchmarking tests in mathematics.
Sarah D. Sparks, February 11, 2016
4 min read
Federal Donald Trump Says We Spend a Ton for Bad Test Scores. Let's Check the Numbers.
"Common Core is out! Second Amendment is in!" Trump also told the crowd at a rally in Tulsa, Okla., on Wednesday.
Andrew Ujifusa, January 21, 2016
4 min read
Equity & Diversity Opinion Why Some Economies Grow and Others Don't
This week Marc Tucker reviews a new book by Eric Hanushek and Ludger Woessmann showing that quality of education has a major impact on a nation's economy
Marc Tucker, July 1, 2015
7 min read
Federal Gov. Christie, Newest GOP Presidential Contender, Bemoans U.S. PISA Rankings
Christie made his presidential announcement at the Livingston, N.J. high school, which he attended and where he said he developed many of his traits that served him well later in public office.
Andrew Ujifusa, June 30, 2015
3 min read