Exit Strategy: State Lawmakers Consider Dropping Common Core
Exit Strategy: State Lawmakers Consider Dropping Common Core
UPDATE: A new Education Week tracker looks at the latest status of state legislative efforts looking to reassess the Common Core State Standards, including bills to pause, review, or repeal the standards. Because of the changing nature of the bills and executive orders, the tracker below will no longer be updated. Keep up with the latest common-core legislation here.
Track the development of in various states of legislation seeking withdrawal from the Common Core State Standards. You can also find a short synopsis and a timeline of recent actions for each bill below. Follow more state legislative news.

Signed Into Law
- Indiana HB 1427
Alabama HB 5652013 Regular Session
Curriculum standards, State Board of Education retains authority to adopt, influence by federal government prohibited.
This bill would prohibit the state from implementing the Common Core State Standards, and specifies that the state Board of Education may not cede any control over content standards to the federal government. It did not get traction in the legislature.
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- July 1, 2013 - Bill failed to pass.
Most Recent Action
Alabama SB 4032013 Regular Session
Common Core Standards, State Board of Education prohibited from adopting or implementing.
This bill would require the state to stop implementing the Common Core State Standards. It passed the Senate Education Committee on April 17, but failed in the full Senate April 23.
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- Apr. 23, 2013 in Senate - Failed full Senate vote.
Most Recent Action
Alabama SB 1902013 Regular Session
Common Core Standards, State Board of Education prohibited from adopting or implementing.
On Feb. 2, the state Republican Party passed a resolution saying that the state should drop the standards. The state has also dropped out of the two consortia developing tests based on the common core. A Senate version of the bill died in its Education Committee March 13.
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- Mar. 13, 2013 in Senate - Tabled (failed to pass)
Most Recent Action
Alabama HB 2542013 Regular Session
Common Core Standards, State Board of Education prohibited from adopting or implementing.
The Alabama Senate’s bill that would require the state to drop the common core died in the 2013 legislative session, This House version of the bill was also defeated at the subcommittee level.
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- Mar. 20, 2013 in House - Education Policy Committee voted. Bill defeated (failed to pass).
Most Recent Action
Florida HB 252014 Regular Session
Public School Curricular Standards and Assessments.
- Mar. 04, 2014 in House - Introduced
Most Recent Action
Georgia SB 1672013-2014 Regular Session
Education; declare certain actions void ab initio relating to adoption of certain curricula.
The bill was introduced by state Sen. William Ligon after hearing testimony from former Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott against the common core. It failed to gain traction in the legislature this year, but Ligon announced plans to revive his proposal in 2014.
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- Mar. 15, 2013 in Senate - Tabled (failed to pass)
Most Recent Action
Indiana SB 1932013 Regular Session
Common core state educational standards.
Sen. Scott Schneider, the author of Indiana’s anti-common-core bill, introduced similar legislation in 2012. It would halt implementation of the standards until public hearings are conducted this year. It passed the Senate but died in the House.
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- July 1, 2013 - Bill failed to pass.
Most Recent Action
Indiana HB 14272013 Regular Session
Various education matters.
This education bill originally passed the House without reference to the common core, but Sen. Scott Schneider, the author of a separate anti-common-core bill, added language to this bill to require a further study and evaluation of the common core. The altered bill was ultimately approved by both chambers and sent to Gov. Mike Pence, who signed the bill. Both Schneider and Pence are Republicans.
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- July 1, 2013 - Bill signed by the Governor into law.
Most Recent Action
Kansas HB 22892013-2014 Regular Session
Prohibiting the use of common core standards.
In February, the House Education Committee in Kansas heard testimony from former Texas education commissioner Robert Scott and others about the pitfalls of the common core. The bill was sponsored by the entire committee but failed to make progress in the legislature.
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- July 1, 2013 - Bill failed to pass.
Most Recent Action
Michigan HB 42762013-2014 Regular Session
Education; curriculum; implementation of certain common core standards and assessments in this state; prohibit. Amends sec. 1278 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1278) & adds sec. 1278c.
This bill would require the state not to implement the Common Core State Standards. The bill itself has not been acted on for several months. However, the Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, a Republican, approved a budget last month that prohibits the state from spending general funds to implement the common core and the Smarter Balanced Assessments associated with the standards, beginning on Oct. 1. The state department said the spending prohibition would severely impact the common core in the state and cause confusion in districts and schools.
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- Feb. 20, 2013 in House - Printed bill filed 02/20/2013
Most Recent Action
Missouri HB 6162013 Regular Session
Prohibits the State Board of Education from adopting and implementing the standards for public schools developed by the Common Core Standards Initiative.
This bill requiring the state to drop the standards was introduced by Rep. Kurt Bahr, a Republican, who is a member of the Saint Charles County Christian Home Educators group. It was referred to the state House’s Downsizing State Government committee but did not progress in the legislature.
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- Apr. 18, 2013 in House - Rules - reported do pass (h)
Most Recent Action
Missouri SB 2102013 Regular Session
Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to hold public meetings in each congressional district on the Common Core State Standards.
This bill is similar to the bill that passed the Indiana legislature. It would require the state education department to hold public hearings on the common core, and to issue a report to the legislature on the hearings and their findings by Jan. 31, 2014. It ultimately did not pass the legislature.
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- October 3, 2013 in House - Voted. Bill failed to pass.
Most Recent Action
Ohio HB 237130th Legislature
Common Core Initiative academic standards/ student information-distribution.
This bill prohibits the state board of education from adopting, and the state education department from implementing, the Common Core State Standards.
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- Jul. 31, 2013 in House - House introduced
Most Recent Action
Pennsylvania HR 3382013-2014 Regular Session
A Resolution urging the Secretary of Education and the State Board of Education to ensure that Pennsylvania's academic standards are thoroughly rigorous for all Pennsylvania students.
This resolution, approved by the House, is "urging" the Secretary of Education and State Board of Education to begin a review of the common core to ensure the standards are "thoroughly rigorous" enough for all students. Gov. Tom Corbett, a Republican, ordered a further review of the common core in May, although he reportedly wants only "minor revisions" to regulations governing the standards.
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- July 2, 2013 in House - Bill Passed Vote.
Most Recent Action
Pennsylvania HB 15512013-2014 Regular Session
Legislation to repeal the State Board of Education Pennsylvania Common Core Standards.
This bill would require the state to drop the common core 60 days after being signed. There are reportedly up to four other bills that appear to otherwise chip away at the breadth and depth of the standards, in the event that this bill fails to get signed. Another bill, for example, would exempt private and religious schools from the common core, and another would prohibit the sharing of individual student data with the federal government, although that could create other problems for the state's education system separate from the common core.
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- July 2, 2013 in House - Introduced
Most Recent Action
South Dakota HB 12042013 Regular Session
require the Board of Education to obtain legislative approval before adopting any further Common Core standards, and to repeal a provision requiring the board to conduct certain public hearings.
The anti-common-core bill in South Dakota’s House of Representatives was passed by a 36-32 vote on Feb. 20. It was then referred to the state Senate for consideration, but senators ultimately voted it down.
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- Apr. 10, 2013 in Senate - Voted. Bill failed to pass.