Data-Driven Journalism

EdWeek Research Center 2 (1)
Journalism Powered by Research
The Research Center teams with Education Week reporters and editors to produce high-profile, data-driven journalism.

Featured Report

  • The State of Teaching, 2024 Edition
    New national data on the teaching profession, vivid reporting from classrooms, and resources to help support this essential profession.

More Data-Driven Journalism

Glitch stylized photo of a white woman with a hood over her head.
Soft skills concept. Hands put together puzzles, partnership and teamwork. Creative characters overcome mental impasse, creative personalities and brainstorming
Rudzhan Nagiev/iStock
Photograph of the back of a middle school student about to fly a paper airplane in the direction of a teacher writing on a blackboard.
Custom illustration by Stuart Briers showing two identical male figures sitting in a chair with a computer dot matrix pointing to different parts of the body. The background depicts soundwaves, a play button, speaker icon, eye, and ear.
Stuart Briers for Education Week
Custom illustration by Stuart Briers showing a wrench that is filled with a blue abstract tech image of lines and dots, adjusting a cracked yellow school building. The light blue background reveals a subtle clock image.
Stuart Briers for Education Week
Custom illustration by Stuart Briers showing the silhouette of a female student wearing a backpack and with a tech dot matrix and ruler in the background. There is a speech bubble containing letters in different languages highlighted within a magnifying glass.
Stuart Briers for Education Week
Custom illustration by Stuart Briers showing a females foot wearing gold loafers and dipping her toe into a pool where AI apps are reflecting off the water
Stuart Briers for Education Week

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