Education news, analysis, and opinion about efforts to keep school and district staff from leaving their jobs
See also: Grade Retention, Recruitment & Retention
The State of Teaching
New national data on the teaching profession, vivid reporting from classrooms, and resources to help support this essential profession.
Recruitment & Retention
Why Teachers Choose Schools (It’s Not Just About the Paycheck)
Multiple surveys make clear that teachers care deeply about school culture when sizing up jobs. Here's what that means.
Recruitment & Retention
Want to Retain Teachers? Try These Strategies
Better money is a solid first step. But teachers need to be treated as professionals if they are to stay.
School & District Management
Do Students Suffer When a Superintendent Leaves? A New Study Has an Answer
A new study is the first in a while to explore how students fare academically when there's turnover in the district's top office.
Recruitment & Retention
Leader To Learn From
How This HR Director Pushed for Pay Increases for Teachers
Teachers are getting paid more in the Charleston, S.C. district—thanks in part to their champion in administration.
Recruitment & Retention
A Formula for Better Teacher Recruitment and Retention
Helping teachers advocate for themselves is key to success.
Teaching Profession
What the Research Says
Want Novices to Keep Teaching? Focus on Their Classroom-Management Skills
Some skills matter more than others for educator at the start of their careers.
Recruitment & Retention
EdRecruiter 2025 Survey Results: The Outlook for Recruitment and Retention
See exclusive findings from EdWeek’s nationwide survey of K-12 job seekers and district HR professionals on recruitment, retention, and job satisfaction.
School & District Management
This Time of Year, Principals Have Two Jobs. Here’s How to Ace Them Both
Here are 4 tips on how to finish this school year strong—while preparing for the next.
Recruitment & Retention
What the Research Says
What 4 New Studies Say About How Districts Can Attract—and Retain—Teachers
New insights on teachers' starting salaries, working conditions, and contract work can help leaders better hire and retain teachers.
School & District Management
What's the No. 1 Way to Retain Principals?
When it comes to the demands of the job, principals share common concerns, according to a recent survey.
School & District Management
What the Research Says
Four Ways to Stop Teacher Turnover From Hamstringing School Improvement
Staffing instability can unravel the social fabric of schools, experts say, unless leaders work to keep connections strong.
Teaching Profession
Teacher Contracts Need to Change. And It’s Not Just About Money
If we want to retain effective teaches, we should increase teacher compensation—but we need to do it strategically.
Recruitment & Retention
Want to Retain Teachers? Here's What Districts and Schools Can Do
Severe teacher shortages persist. Educators suggest what schools and districts can do to fill those posts.
Recruitment & Retention
Recruiting and Retaining STEM Teachers: A Former White House Adviser's Take
A retired teacher and former White House policy adviser has some ideas for schools leaders looking to recruit and retain in STEM.