Teacher Testing

Female teacher reads to multi-cultural elementary school students sitting on floor in class at school
Teacher Preparation What Will It Take to Align Teacher Prep to the Science of Reading? California Offers Clues
The Golden State is revamping credentials for teaching reading. But some advocates worry it won't go far enough.
Sarah Schwartz, January 23, 2024
7 min read
Image of staffing shortages.
Teacher Preparation States Relax Teacher Certification Rules to Combat Shortages
Faced with an uneven supply of teaching talent, states are lowering the bar on some licensing hoops.
Madeline Will, June 28, 2022
5 min read
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Drazen Zigic/iStock/Getty
Teacher Preparation First-Time Pass Rates on Teacher Licensure Exams Were Secret Until Now. See the Data
The National Council on Teacher Quality published first-time pass rate data on teacher licensing tests, which had been hidden for years.
Madeline Will, July 21, 2021
8 min read
Image shows two children ages 5 to 7 years old and a teacher, an African-American woman, holding a digital tablet up, showing it to the girl sitting next to her. They are all wearing masks, back to school during the COVID-19 pandemic, trying to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Reading & Literacy Most States Fail to Measure Teachers' Knowledge of the 'Science of Reading,' Report Says
The majority of states don’t evaluate whether prospective teachers know how to teach reading effectively, a new analysis finds.
Sarah Schwartz, March 23, 2021
6 min read
Teacher Preparation Student-Teachers Caught in Middle by Shutdowns
Student-teachers are grappling with uncertainty over housing, graduation requirements, and their ability to meet requirements for the edTPA licensing test.
Madeline Will, March 24, 2020
5 min read
Mrs. Ella J. Rice talks to one of her pupils, all of whom are white, in a 3rd grade classroom of the Draper Elementary School in southeast Washington, D.C., September 13, 1954. This was the first day of non-segregated schools for both teachers and pupils in the District of Columbia public school system. Mrs. Rice was the only black teacher in the school.
Mrs. Ella J. Rice talks to one of her pupils, all of whom are white, in a 3rd grade classroom of the Draper Elementary School in southeast Washington, D.C., September 13, 1954. This was the first day of non-segregated schools for both teachers and pupils in the District of Columbia public school system. Mrs. Rice was the only black teacher in the school.
Law & Courts 65 Years After 'Brown v. Board,' Where Are All the Black Educators?
The landmark Supreme Court had an unintended effect that’s still felt today: Thousands of black teachers and principals lost their jobs.
Madeline Will, May 14, 2019
10 min read
Teacher Preparation N.Y. Teachers' Union Sues to Block Charters From Certifying Their Teachers
Charter schools in New York will soon be able to certify their own teachers--a measure the unions are hoping to fight in court.
Liana Loewus, October 13, 2017
2 min read
Teacher Preparation Illinois Lawmakers Look to Overhaul Teacher Licensure Testing Requirements
Some complain that a bill to let candidates with at least a 3.0 GPA in their teacher-preparation classes bypass some standardized tests will lower standards.
Emmanuel Felton, April 27, 2017
3 min read
Teacher Preparation Utah Lawmakers Look to Institute Test of Teaching Skills
The bill comes just months after education policymakers opened up the teaching profession to people with no teaching experience or training.
Emmanuel Felton, February 9, 2017
1 min read
School & District Management edTPA Teaching Exam's Ties to Effectiveness Mixed, Study Finds
Candidates who got a passing score on the edTPA in Washington helped their students perform better in reading than those who didn't.
Stephen Sawchuk, May 19, 2016
5 min read
Teacher Preparation Teacher-Certification Test in N.Y. Delayed for Fourth Time
Just as it did recently with teacher evaluations tied to student achievement tests, New York is posed to walk back its efforts to heighten the requirements for entrance into the teaching profession.
Stephen Sawchuk, April 20, 2016
1 min read
Teaching Profession Teacher-Evaluation Shifts: Georgia to Scale Back Testing Component
Many states are mulling teacher evaluation 2.0, and a Georgia bill reducing the weight of tests is now close to the finish line.
Stephen Sawchuk, March 17, 2016
2 min read
Assessment Are New Teacher Tests Vulnerable to Cheating?
As performance-based teacher-licensure exams like the edTPA gain currency, reports of related tutoring services and online materials raise new questions.
Stephen Sawchuk, October 20, 2015
5 min read
School & District Management 18,000 Would-Be Teachers Took The edTPA Last Year. How'd They Do?
Scores are higher on the performance-based exam, a new report shows.
Stephen Sawchuk, October 19, 2015
3 min read