Ryan Walters, then a Republican candidate for the state superintendent of education, speaks at an event June 28, 2022, in Oklahoma City. While leading the state education department, he has overseen a draft of the state's social studies standards that critics say distorts the role of Christianity in the nation's founding and suggest that the 2020 presidential election had "discrepancies."
Teachers use a team-teaching model at Stevenson Elementary School in Mesa, Ariz., on Jan 30, 2025. In the model, more than one teacher at a time assumes responsibility for a group of students at each grade level, and typically class sizes are larger.
Clayton Hubert, an art teacher, wears many hats as an educator, including driving the school bus some mornings, as seen here on Jan. 16, 2025, in Lamberton, Minn. Many teachers say the expectations of the role have grown far beyond classroom instruction.
Directors of Professional Development influence purchasing decisions, but how well do you understand the key factors at play? Test your knowledge of this key buyer persona and see how your results stack up with your peers.
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