What does it take for schools to move from embracing the goals of equity to enacting concrete steps that actually change the schooling experience for students who are black, Hispanic, and from low-income families?
March 4, 2020
Tina Lawson, a lawyer whose children attended schools in the Upper Dublin school district in suburban Philadelphia, helped organize a group of black parents to pursue legal action against the district for steering black students into low-level courses and applying uneven discipline rates for students of color.
When teachers recognize a problem in the school system, they have a responsibility to advocate for change, writes Nick Tutolo. Here’s how he changed his school’s policy on advanced math classes.
To the Editor: I am in agreement with Carol Ann Tomlinson's reply to James R. Delisle on differentiated instruction ("Differentiation Doesn't Work,"Jan. 7, 2015, and "To the Contrary: Differentiation Does Work,"Jan. 28, 2015).
Rockville Centre, N.Y., Superintendent William H. Johnson steadfastly elevates learning standards and opportunities for all students. He is recognized as a 2015 Leader To Learn From.
To the Editor: I read with interest James R. Delisle's Commentary on the failure of differentiated instruction. I think the need for differentiated instruction came as a result of the failures of tracking.
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