
News, analysis, and opinion about K-12 education in Washington
Carrie White, a second-grade teacher, makes a heart with her hands for her student, Tyrell King-Harrell, left, during an SEL exercise at Yates Magnet Elementary School in Schenectady, N.Y., on March 28, 2024.
Carrie White, a 2nd grade teacher, makes a heart with her hands for her student, Tyrell King-Harrell, left, during an SEL exercise at Yates Magnet Elementary School in Schenectady, N.Y., on March 28, 2024.
Scott Rossi for Education Week
Student Well-Being What This School Used as the Main Ingredient for a Positive Climate
When systemic and fully integrated, the practice has the power to reduce bad behavior and boost teacher morale, experts say.
Libby Stanford, April 14, 2024
10 min read
Students leave Birney Elementary School at the start of their walking bus route on April 9, 2024, in Tacoma, Wash.
Students leave Birney Elementary School at the start of their walking bus route on April 9, 2024, in Tacoma, Wash. The district started the walking school bus in response to survey feedback from families that students didn't have a safe way to get to school.
Kaylee Domzalski/Education Week
School Climate & Safety 4 Case Studies: Schools Use Connections to Give Every Student a Reason to Attend
Schools turn to the principles of connectedness to guide their work on attendance and engagement.
Matthew Stone, April 14, 2024
12 min read
During recess at Ruby Bridges Elementary School in Woodinville, Wash., students have cards with objects and words on them so that all students, including those who cannot speak, can communicate. Pictured here on April 2, 2024.
During recess at Ruby Bridges Elementary School in Woodinville, Wash., students have access to cards with objects and words on them so that all students, including those who do not speak, can communicate. Pictured here, a student who has been taught how to lead and use commands with a campus service dog does so under the supervision of a staff member on April 2, 2024.
Meron Menghistab for Education Week
Special Education Inside a School That Doesn’t Single Out Students With Special Needs
Students with disabilities at this school near Seattle rarely have to leave mainstream rooms to receive the services they need.
Caitlynn Peetz, April 14, 2024
8 min read
Curriculum Video Why This Educator Uses Aliens to Teach Media Literacy
Media literacy is crucial for a generation that does everything on their phones. A look at how teachers can address the topic.
Kaylee Domzalski, April 4, 2024
Illustration concept of hands holding binoculars and looking through to see a graph and arrow with money in background.
Liz Yap/Education Week and iStock/Getty
College & Workforce Readiness Learning Loss May Cost Students Billions in Future Earnings. How Districts Are Responding
The board that annually administers NAEP warns that recent research paints a "dire" picture of the future for America's children.
Mark Lieberman, March 15, 2024
6 min read
Teaching Video Teachers, Try This: A Lesson on Journalism, Misinformation, and Different Points of View
This elementary teacher taught his students a valuable lesson on how we can each experience the same situation a little differently.
Kaylee Domzalski, February 22, 2024
a person and a robot study a cylinder filled with AI elements
Kathleen Fu for Education Week
Artificial Intelligence Q&A Need an AI Policy for Your Schools? This District Used ChatGPT to Craft One
The Peninsula School District in Washington state was one of the first school systems in the country to craft AI policy guidance.
Alyson Klein, February 19, 2024
5 min read
Conceptual image of substitute teacher in classroom, colorized blue.
Drazen Zigic/iStock/Getty
Teaching Profession Substitute Teachers Need Support, Too. See How One State Is Helping
Substitute teachers often feel unsupported and underprepared. Here's how one state is trying to change that.
Evie Blad, February 13, 2024
7 min read
In this Jan. 4, 2019 photo, workers and other officials gather outside the Sky Valley Education Center school in Monroe, Wash., before going inside to collect samples for testing. The samples were tested for PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, as well as dioxins and furans. A lawsuit filed on behalf of several families and teachers claims that officials failed to adequately respond to PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, in the school.
In this Jan. 4, 2019 photo, workers and other officials gather outside the Sky Valley Education Center school in Monroe, Wash., before going inside to collect samples for testing. The samples were tested for PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, as well as dioxins and furans. A jury this week ordered Bayer, the company that owns the manufacturer of PCBs, to pay $857 million to families affected by PCB exposure at Sky Valley.
Ted S. Warren/AP
Law & Courts Producers of Toxic Chemicals in Schools Owe Hundreds of Millions in Damages, Jury Says
Bayer, the company that owns Monsanto, owes more than $850 million to parents and children who suffered prolonged PCB exposure.
Mark Lieberman, December 19, 2023
3 min read
Illustration: Hand with pencil aiming for target
DigitalVision Vectors<br/>
School & District Management What Superintendents Are Doing This Winter Break—and Planning for 2024
District leaders say they plan to rest and then refocus for the new year.
Caitlynn Peetz, December 19, 2023
3 min read
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Kaylee Domzalski/Education Week
Recruitment & Retention Video How to Support Early-Career Teachers: Advice From Native Educators
They were new teachers fresh out of a graduate program to create a Native teacher pipeline. Today, neither is still in that position.
Kaylee Domzalski, December 14, 2023
Vector illustration of a woman filling out an online form with letter grades
Student Achievement Students' Grades May Not Signal Actual Achievement, Study Cautions
Higher grades may give the false impression that students don't need extra academic support.
Evie Blad, November 10, 2023
4 min read
Image of an excavator in front of a school building.
Education Funding Do K-12 Students Have a Right to Well-Funded School Buildings?
The answer in a recent state court case wasn't exactly a "yes." But it also wasn't a "no." Here's what could happen next.
Mark Lieberman, September 19, 2023
5 min read
Illustration of 2 hands cutting paper dolls with scissors, representing staffing layoffs.
Budget & Finance School Administrators Are on the Chopping Block as ESSER Winds Down, Enrollment Drops
The expiration of COVID relief funds and enrollment declines are prompting districts to cut administration—even as experts advise caution.
Caitlynn Peetz & Mark Lieberman, August 7, 2023
6 min read