We asked Education Week readers to send us their original haiku about schools, teaching, learning ... anything related to education. The poems included the touching, the troubling, the light, and the dark. Writers of many ages participated. You’ll find some of our favorites below.
Teachers light a flame,
But how long the fire burns
Is out of their hands.
—Stevie Gray, physical education teacher, Glebe Elementary School, Arlington, Va.
What I see as my
Breathtaking erudition
Adolescents don't
—Eva Lee, 7th/8th grade ELA/special education inclusion teacher, Northeast Middle School, Meridian, Miss.
Are words true power?
Can they help children today?
Education can.
—Brian Wagner, English teacher, Abraham Lincoln High School, Philadelphia, Pa.
A school can be home
In the midst of upheaval
Learning, a new path
—Laura Keyes Ellsworth, mother of three, former journalist, moving with her family from Virginia to Vietnam this summer
Once were slide rules and
paper pen and brain alone
hashtag dinosaur
—Monique Presley, marketing and events coordinator, Education Connection, Litchfield, Conn.
Learning from the learned
Knowing that of ancient text
Gaining thought and mind
—Josh Reese, rising 7th grader, Paragon Charter Academy, Jackson, Mich.
Standardized testing:
Bubble sheets, pencils, time’s up!
Who benefited?
—Maria D. Whitsett, consultant, Moak, Casey & Associates, Austin, Texas
Forty pound backpacks
No longer! We have tablets
Now I’m going blind
—Matt Richmond, research analyst, Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Washington, D.C.
Homework done, you say
Blackboard shows otherwise, dear
'Copter blades whirring
—Deena Ackerman, mother of a rising high school student, Arlington, Va.
A crying student
Empty counselor’s office
Who will help him now?
—Heather Marcus, Public Relations Committee Member, Philly School Counselors United, Philadelphia, Pa.
Counting the days while
outside summer sun beckons
just one more worksheet
—Deborah Eve Barolsky, teacher, Arlington, Mass.
“Up” he tells me “Up”
as I record his data
the bubble floats, escapes.
—Maggie Briand, ESOL teacher and staff development teacher, Montgomery County, Md., Public Schools
I teach many things
But one lesson stands out. We all
Get what we pay for
—Andrew Saltz, teacher, The Paul Robeson High School for Human Services, Philadelphia, Pa.
Learning is ruined
Summer is calling my name
I can smell freedom
—Marissa Noland, rising 7th grader, Paragon Charter Academy, Jackson, Mich.