
A Milestone of Sorts

By Anthony Rebora — November 17, 2010 1 min read
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A few years ago, with the idea of better incorporating teachers’ own voices into our coverage, we entered into a more or less casual agreement with the Teacher Leaders Network to publish a weekly article by their members on our site. I’m not sure how long any of us expected this to last. But lo and behold: I’ve been informed by a reliable source that the excellent article we just put up by Ken Bernstein is the 200th in the series. That’s not bad in a media climate where change seems to be the one constant.

We know from our page view data that our readers love the advice and experiential wisdom they get from the TLN articles. On a personal—and editorial—note, I can say that the partnership has put us into contact with some extraordinary educators who’ve taught us a great deal and who, by their daily example, completely contradict the tired and convenient clichés about teachers that are often peddled by policymakers and pundits. These men and women are among the most professionally dedicated and thoughtful you can ever hope to meet. So, just a word of thanks to TLN members for sharing your knowledge with us and for all that you do—and to John Norton, Barnett Berry, and others at the Center for Teaching Quality for helping to make this work for so long. Time flies. ...

A version of this news article first appeared in the Teaching Now blog.