A symbol (*) marks events that have not appeared in a previous issue of Education Week.
7-8—Professional development: Teaching the Holocaust, sponsored by the U.S Holocaust Memorial Museum, for classroom and pre-service teachers, at Louisiana State University, Peabody Hall, in Baton Rouge, La. Deadline: March 28. Contact: Jill Nissan, USHMM, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place S.W., Washington, DC 20024; (202) 314-7826; fax: (202) 314- 7888; e-mail: nationaloutreach@ushmm.org; Web site: www.ushmm.org.
7-9—Mathematics: Annual Conference, sponsored by the National Conference of Supervisors of Mathematics, for leaders in mathematics education, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio. Contact: Mo Nelson, NCSM, PO Box 10667, Golden, CO 80401-0600; (303) 274-5932; fax: (303) 274-5932; e-mail: ncsm@mathforum.org; Web site: www.ncsmonline.org.
8-9—African- American education: Educating the African-American Male Child National Seminar, sponsored by African American Images, for educators, in Chicago. Contact: AAI, 1909 W. 95th St., Chicago, IL 60643; (773) 445-0322.
9-10— Curriculum: Curriculum Mapping: Beginning the Journey, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for educators and administrators, in Phoenix. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax: (703) 575-5400; e-mail: member@ascd.org; Web site: www.ascd.org.
9-10—Professional development: Designing Powerful Professional Development Plans and Evaluations, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for educators and administrators, in Phoenix. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933- 2723; fax: (703) 575-5400; e-mail: member@ascd.org; Web site: www.ascd.org.
9-10—Writing: Outstanding Lessons and Techniques for Motivating Reluctant Writers, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for educators and administrators, in Phoenix. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax: (703) 575- 5400; e-mail: member@ascd.org; Web site: www.ascd.org.
9-11—Education research: 35th Annual Conference, sponsored by the New England Educational Research Organization, for researchers, K-12 coordinators and administrators, at the Sheraton Harborside Hotel in Portsmouth, N.H. Contact: Susan Etheredge, Smith College, Education and Child Study Dept., Northampton, MA 01063; (413) 585-3252; fax: (413) 585-3268; e-mail: sethered@email.smith.edu; Web site: www.neero.org.
9-11—Science: Ethics, Science, and Education: Intersections, sponsored by the Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education, for science teachers and administrators, at the College of Preachers in Washington. Contact: CSEE, 1465 Northside Drive, Suite 220, Atlanta, GA 30318-4225; (404) 355-4460 or (800) 298-4599; fax: (404) 355-4435; Web site: www.csee.org.
9-12—Mathematics: 81st Annual Meeting, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, for mathematics teachers, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio. Contact: NCTM, 1906 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191; (703) 620-9840; fax: (703) 295-0956; e-mail: annlmtg@nctm.org; Web site: www.nctm.org
9-12—Special education: Annual Convention and Expo, sponsored by the Council for Exceptional Children, for special education teachers, administrators, and related personnel, at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle. Contact: Victor Erickson, CEC, 110 N. Glebe Road, Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22201-5704; (703) 264-9454; fax: (703) 264-1637; e-mail: victore@cec.sped.org; Web site: www.cec.sped.org.
10—Career education: Schools of the Future: Leadership, Curriculum, Technology, sponsored by the New England Coalition of Educational Leaders in Massachusetts, for educators, in Needham, Mass. Contact: Janet Ferone, NECELMA, 44 Pearl St., Boston, MA 02125; (617) 282-0326; fax: (773) 913-2378; e-mail: necel.ma@verizon.net.
10— College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, parents, and students, at the Novi Exposition Center in Novi, Mich. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html
10-13—Foreign languages: Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, sponsored by the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, for pre-K-16 foreign-language teachers, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington. Contact: Susan Cavenagh, NCTFL, Dickinson College, PO Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013; (717) 245-1977; fax: (717) 245-1976; e-mail: nectfl@dickinson.edu; Web site: www.nectfl.org.
*10-13—Journalism education: Assembly for Advisors of Student Publications Convention, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English and the Journalism Education Association, for journalism teachers, in Portland, Ore. Contact: Linda Puntney, NCTE, 1111 W. Kenyon Road, Urbana, IL 61801; (785) 532-7822; fax: (785) 532-5532; e-mail: lindarp@ksu.edu; Web site: www.jea.org
*11-12—Writing: Rocky Mountain Peer Tutoring Conference: Coaching Writers, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English, for educators, in Ogden, Utah. Contact: Sylvia Newman, NCTE, 1111 W. Kenyon Road, Urbana, IL 61801; (801) 626-6463; e-mail: snewman@weber.edu.
11-13—Service learning: 15th Annual National Youth Service Day, sponsored by Youth Service America, for educators, parents, and students, with events scheduled nationally. Contact: Karen Larson, Director, 1101 15th St. N.W., Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005; (202) 296-2992, ext. 34; fax: (202) 296-4030; e-mail: nysd@ysa.org; Web site: www.ysa.org.
11-15—Principals: 2003 Annual Convention: Leading Learning Communities—Catch the Wave of the Future, sponsored by the National Association of Elementary School Principals, for administrators, in Anaheim, Calif. Contact: NAESP, 1615 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 684-3345; fax: (703) 518-6281; Web site: www.naesp.org
12-14—Ethics: Moral Instruction of Children: Elementary, sponsored by the Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education, for elementary educators and administrators, at St. Andrew’s School in Boca Raton, Fla. Contact: CSEE, 1465 Northside Drive, Suite 220, Atlanta, GA 30318-4225; (404) 355-4460 or (800) 298-4599; fax: (404) 355- 4435; Web site: www.csee.org
13-16—Best practices: Bridging the Gap: Educating the Hearts and Minds of Our Future, sponsored by the Association for Childhood Education International, for teachers and students, at the Hyatt Regency at Civic Plaza in Phoenix. Contact: Lisa Wenger, Director of Conferences, 17904 Georgia Ave., Suite 215, Olney, MD 20832; (301) 570-2111; fax: (301) 570-2212; e-mail: aeicmc@aol.com; Web site www.aeic.org.
14-20—Poetry: Young People’s Poetry Week, sponsored by the Children’s Book Council, for educators and students, with events scheduled nationally. Contact: JoAnn Sabatino- Falkenstein, 12 W. 37th St., Second Floor, New York, NY 10018-7480; (212) 966- 1990; fax: (212) 966-2073; e-mail: joann.sabatino- falkenstein@cbcbooks.org; Web site: www.cbcbooks.org/html/poetry_week.html.
15—Parent involvement: Education News Parents Can Use: Special Education, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, for parents and educators, at the WETA Studios in Arlington, Va. Deadline: Day of the event by 10 am. Contact: Jennifer Walsh, Tricom Associates, 2009 N. 14th St., Suite 407, Arlington, VA 22201; (703) 276- 2772 ext. 13; fax: (703) 528-5058; e-mail: jennifer@tricomassociates.com; Web site: www.ed.gov/offices/OIIA.television.
15—Professional development: Satellite Town Meeting With Rod Paige, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, for K-12 educators, to be broadcast on national television. Contact: USDE, (800) 872-5327; e-mail: Satellite.Town.Meeting@ed.gov; Web site: www.ed.gov/inits/stm/.
16-20— Poetry: Conference, sponsored by the National Association for Poetry Therapy, for educators, counselors, and creative-arts therapists, at the Sheraton Biscayne Bay in Miami. Contact: Angela B. Comfort, NAPT, 733 15th St. N.W., Suite 330, Washington, DC 20005; (202) 966-2536; fax: (202) 638-7895; e- mail: NAPT@dmg-dc.com; Web site: www.poetrytherapy.org.
16-May 27— Distance learning: Designing and Teaching Online Courses, sponsored by the Concord Consortium, for online leaders and instructors, online at http://concord.org/courses. Contact: Cynthia McIntyre, CC, 10 Concord Crossing, Suite 300, Concord, MA 01742; (978) 369-4367; fax: (978) 371-0696; e-mail: courses@concord.org; Web site: http://concord.org.
16-July 8—Distance learning: Facilitating Online Learning by Moving Out of the Middle, sponsored by the Concord Consortium, for online leaders and instructors, online at http://concord.org/courses. Contact: Cynthia McIntyre, CC, 10 Concord Crossing, Suite 300, Concord, MA 01742; (978) 369-4367; fax: (978) 371- 0696; e-mail: courses@concord.org; Web site: http://concord.org.
19-20— Administrators: National Graduate Research Seminar in Educational Administration, sponsored by the University Council for Educational Administration, for administrators, researchers, and graduate students, in Chicago. Contact: UCEA, 205 Hill Hall, Columbia, MO 65211; (573) 884-8300; fax: (573) 884-8302; e-mail: admnucea@coe.missouri.edu; Web site: www.ucea.org.
21-23—School improvement: National Spring Summit, sponsored by the HOPE Foundation, for teachers and administrators, at the Naperville Holiday Inn Select in Chicago. Contact: HOPE Foundation, 3925 Hagan St., Suite 105, PO Box 906, Bloomington, IN 47402-0906; (812) 355-6000; fax: (812) 323-8140; e-mail: hope@communitiesofhope.org; Web site: www.communitiesofhope.org.
21-25—Accountability: Accountability for Educational Quality: Shared Responsibility, sponsored by the American Educational Research Association, for educators, administrators, researchers, community and business leaders, and policymakers, at the Sheraton and Hyatt Regency Hotels in Chicago. Contact: AERA, 1230 17th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 223-9385; fax: (202) 775-1824; e-mail: outreach@aera.net; Web site: www.aera.net.
21-27—Environmental education: National Wildlife Week, sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation, for K-8 teachers, with events scheduled nationwide. Contact: Jo Sorrell, NWF, 11100 Wildlife Center Drive, Reston, VA 20190; (703) 438-6000; fax: (703) 438-6061; e-mail: sorrell@nwf.org; Web site: www.nwf.org/nationalwildlifeweek
22-23—College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, parents, and students, at the Montgomery County Agricultural Center and Fairgrounds in Gaithersburg, Md. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html.
22-24—Early childhood: 10th Annual La Semana del Nino Early Childhood Educators Institute, sponsored by Intercultural Development Research Association, for bilingual early eductators, in San Antonio. Deadline: March 24. Contact: Carol Chavez, IDRA, 5835 Callaghan Road, Suite 350, San Antonio, TX 78228; (210) 444-1710; fax: (210) 444-1714; e-mail: rsvp@idra.org; Web site: www.idra.org.
*22-24—School improvement: Region VII 2003 Schoolwide Institute, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and the University of Oklahoma’s Region VII Comprehensive Center, for educators and school improvement teams, at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo. Contact: Dee Anne Halcomb, CCE UO, 1700 Asp Ave., B-1, Norman, OK 73072; (800) 203-5494; Web site: www.conferencepros.com
22-25—Religious education: NCEA Convention and Expo, sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association, for Catholic educators, in St. Louis. Contact: NCEA, 1077 30th St., N.W., Suite 100, Washington, DC 20007; (202) 337- 6232; fax: (202) 333-6706; Web site: www.ncea.org/annual/convention.
23—Ethics: Ethics Colloquium, sponsored by the Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education, for educators and administrators, at the National Cathedral School in Washington. Contact: CSEE, 1465 Northside Drive, Suite 220, Atlanta, GA 30318-4225; (404) 355-4460 or (800) 298-4599; fax: (404) 355-4435; Web site: www.csee.org.
23-25—Health: 26th Annual NAHF Conference, sponsored by the National Association for Health and Fitness, for physical education teachers and professionals, at the Westin Hotel in Morristown, N.J. Deadline: April 1. Contact: Ben Schaffer, NAHF, 76 Buford Ave., Livingston, NJ 07039; (973) 994-3688; e-mail: ben_schaffer@hotmail.com Web site: www.physicalfitness.org.
23- 26—Service learning: National Service Learning Conference, sponsored by the National Youth Leadership Council, for educators, administrators, higher- education professionals, and students, at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis. Contact: NYLC, (800) 366-6952; fax: (651) 631-2955; e-mail: nslc@nylc.org; Web site: www.nylc.org
24—Charter schools: Federal Compliance Conference, sponsored by the National Charter School Clearinghouse, for charter school educators, online. Contact: Lynn Kepford, NCSC, 3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 312, Phoenix, Ariz. 85018; (602) 954-1414; fax: (602) 954-1415; e-mail: fir@aibt.edu; Web site: www.NCSC.info.
24—College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, parents, and students, at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu and the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html.
24-26—Education law: Virginia Educational Law Symposium, sponsored by the Franklin Pierce Law Center, for administrators, teachers, attorneys, and law students, at Hospitality House in Williamsburg, Va. Contact: Sarah Redfield or Marti Collier, FPLC, Two White St., Concord, NH 00301; (603) 228-1541 ext. 1152 or (804) 827-3290; fax: (603) 228-1074; sredfield@piercelaw.edu or cepi@edunet.soe.vcu.edu; Web site: www.edlaw.piercelaw.edu or www.cepionline.org.
25—Job fair: Gaston County Schools Early Bird Job Fair, sponsored by the Gaston County Schools, for teachers and administrators, at Eastridge Mall in Gastonia, N.C. Contact: Tommie Paul, GCS, 1351 Bradford Heights Road, Gastonia, NC 28054; (704) 861-2497; fax: (704) 866-6193; e-mail: gasteacher@yahoo.com; Web site: www.gaston.k12.nc.us.
25-26—Best practices: David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar in Education, Administration and Policy, sponsored by the University Council for Educational Administration, for graduate students and teachers, at the Sheraton and Hyatt Regency in Chicago. Contact: Michelle Young, UCEA, 205 Hill Hall, Columbia, MO 65211-2185; (573) 884-8300; fax: (573) 884-8302; e-mail: execucea@coe.missouri.edu; Web site: www.ucea.org.
*25-27—Teacher education: 10th International Conference on Teacher Research: Expression of Growth and Learning, sponsored by National-Louis University and Highland Park High School, for teachers and teacher-educators, just outside Chicago. Contact: Trish Rios; (800) 443-5522 ext. 2234; e-mail: ictr@nl.edu; Web site: www.d113.lake.k12.il.us/hphs/ictr/ictr_home.htm.
25-27—Service learning: Community Service, sponsored by the Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education, for service learning coordinators, at the Abington Friends School in Philadelphia. Contact: CSEE, 1465 Northside Drive, Suite 220, Atlanta, GA 30318-4225; (404) 355-4460 or (800) 298-4599; fax: (404) 355-4435; Web site: www.csee.org.
27—College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, parents, and students, at the Cleveland State University Convocation Center in Cleveland; the Nashville Convention Center in Nashville, Tenn.; and the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Calif. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html.
27-29—Early childhood: 12th Annual Born to Learn Conference, sponsored by the Parents as Teachers National Center, for early-childhood educators and parents, at the Millennium Hotel Complex in St. Louis, Mo. Contact: Sarah Lifka, Special Events Manager, 2228 Ball Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146; (314) 432-4330, ext. 288; fax: (314) 432-8963; e-mail: Sarah.Lifka@patnc.org; Web site: www.patnc.org.
27-30—Independent schools: 2003 National Marketing Institute, sponsored by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools, for administrators and marketing personnel, at the Omni Charlottesville Hotel in Charlottesville, Va. Contact: Joan Fargis, VAIS, 8001 Franklin Farms Drive, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23229; (804) 282-3592; fax: (804) 282-3596; e-mail: joanfargis@vais.org; Web site: www.vais.org.
28—College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, parents, and students, at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, Calif. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html.
28-May 3—Professional development: 2003 High/Scope International Conference, sponsored by the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, for educators, teacher-educators, and administrators, at the Ypsilanti Marriott in Ypsilanti, Mich. Contact: Marianne McDonnell, HSERF, 600 N. River St., Ypsilanti, MI 48198-2898; (734) 485-2000, ext. 288; fax: (734) 485-4467; e-mail: mmcdonnell@highscope.org; Web site: www.highscope.org.
29-30—College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, parents, and students, at the Bayside Expo Center in Boston and Seaside Park in Ventura, Calif. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836- 8015; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html
29-May 3—Professional development: Designing Professional Development for Teachers of Science and Mathematics: An Institute for Professional Development Teams, sponsored by Learning Innovations at WestEd, for administrators and development teams, at the Museum of Science in Boston. Deadline: April 1. Contact: Jackie Barlow, LIW, 91 Montvale Ave., Stoneham, MA 02180; (781) 481-1110; fax: (781) 481-1120; e-mail: jbarlow@wested.org; Web site: www.wested.org/li.
30—Mental health: Academic Teaching Conference Series: Future Directions in Epidemiology of Child Mental Health, sponsored by the Judge Baker Children’s Center and Children’s Hospital Boston, for school administrators, social workers and psychiatrists, at the Judge Baker Children’s Center in Boston. Contact: Catherine Fontaine, JBCC, 3 Blackfan Circle, Boston, MA 02115; (617) 232-8390 ext. 2104; fax: (617) 730-5440; e-mail: cfontaine@jbcc.harvard.edu; Web site: www.jbcc.harvard.edu/lectures.htm.
30-May 1—College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, parents, and students, at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center in Edison, N.J. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html.
30-May 1—Ethics: Pruning the Moral Thicket: Conference for Parents, sponsored by the Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education, for educators and parents, at the University Liggett School in Detroit. Contact: CSEE, 1465 Northside Drive, Suite 220, Atlanta, GA 30318- 4225; (404) 355-4460 or (800) 298-4599; fax: (404) 355-4435; Web site: www.csee.org.