Charter boosting in PA, discord in NJ, and poker for the rich and famous-ish in NY.
Hard to believe we still have to argue about this.
Charters can be great for the folks who ride in the balloon, but they’re awfully hard on the ballast.
One more piece of education jargon for which there’s no real definition.
Got a quarter million to toss around? Get yourself a fun evening of poker while helping support those poor, beleaguered charter operators.
You might be a charter school fan...
How to tell if you might be a charter school fan.
NJ: No Applause for Banning Testing for the Littlest Students
New Jersey is talking about banning testing for K-2 students. I’m not impressed.
My birthday meditation, from the files.
PA: Another Charter Boosting Plan
Some folks have decided that Pennsylvania needs an Achievement School District. Because democracy is just so last century...?
Lots of folks have been talking about the NAEP as a benchmark test lately. Is that talk justified?
Jeb offers ten different wrong observations about education.
The viral hit of the week. Why the idea of a hero teacher is bad for education.
Is There a Good Standardized Test?
Challenged to think of a “good” standardized test, I wrack my brain and my imagination.
Student protests in Newark last Friday reveal, once again, the hollowness of reformster civil rights rhetoric.
Helpful Kevin Huffman comes to Pennsylvania to give us advice about running education. No, thanks.