Education Opinion

Meet Larry Abramson, NPR’s “New” Education Guy

By Alexander Russo — March 09, 2007 1 min read
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If you’ve noticed a recent surge in education coverage from NPR, their “new” education guy Larry Abramson is a large part of the reason.

“In 2006, Abramson returned to the education beat after spending 9 years covering national security and technology issues for NPR. Since 9/11, Abramson has covered telecommunications regulation, computer privacy, legal issues in cyberspace, and legal issues related to the war on terrorism. During the late 1990s, Abramson also was involved in several special projects related to education. He followed the efforts of a school in Fairfax County, Virginia, to include severely disabled students in regular classroom settings. He joined the National Desk reporting staff in 1997.”

Welcome, Larry. Congratulations, condolences, etc.

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