Education Opinion

Morning Round-up February 8, 2007

By Margaret Paynich — February 08, 2007 1 min read
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Rural Colleges Seek New Edge and Urbanize NYT
At the same time, officials have realized that a more urbanized version of the ideal campus could attract a population well past its college years — working people and retiring baby boomers — if there is housing to suit them.

Overachieving Students Hear a New Message: Lighten Up WaPo
In a region where the high school experience has evolved into an advanced placement-fueled academic arms race, parents and school officials are starting to do the unthinkable: They’re saying no to adolescents who want to load up on AP courses, schedule eight-period days and join the school newspaper, track team and high school band at the same time.

ISTE releases draft of new tech standards eSchool News
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has just completed a draft of its National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for students--a groundbreaking paradigm for what young people should know about technology and what they should be able to do with it before graduating.

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