If it tells you anything I am completely drained. After this second day without Mrs. C I feel as if I have no respect from any of the students. It was crazy. The principal was listening in on our class over the intercom and said something after we confronted a student three times. She scared everyone in the room and after that, they were a little better behaved, until after lunch. We had a drill that was not expected and took almost an hour to deal with because a student pulled the alarm and the whole school received a talking to. Students did not like the work left for them to do and they balked about it the entire time they SLOWLY worked through it. We didn’t get a science lesson done in the past two days, we didn’t get spelling review done, and we didn’t get some of our reading finished either. The sub helped with discipline problems but at the same time she sat and was my eyes while I was writing or looking at my books.
I have to write up a few plans tonight and get some other homework done. I’m taking home papers from the past couple of days to grade so Mrs. C doesn’t have to deal with all that. I think I am going to go enjoy the coolness of the basement I’m living in right now.