Instead of graduating this year from high school in Las Flores, Calif., 18-year-old Omar Khan sat in prison with 69 felony charges for hacking into school computers. If convicted, Khan faces up to 38 years in prison, the TG Daily reports.
School officials allege that Khan broke into computers and altered his AP test scores, changed his subpar grades to A’s, and altered the grades of 12 other students. He is also accused of e-mailing tests and answer keys to friends. Khan was caught after requesting an official transcript for a university he was applying to.
The stacked charges against the Tesoro High School senior include identity theft, burglary, and conspiracy. Khan’s friend Tanvir Singh has also been charged with the break-ins, but because of lesser charges only faces three years in prison if convicted. Khan’s arraignment, initially scheduled for mid-June, was postponed until July 8, according to Khan is now out of jail, but his parents initially refused to post the $50,000 bail.