Dangerously Irrelevant isn’t a huge fan of the way professional development is currently run. He’s got five big ideas on how to improve it, including not wasting time on multi-day PD workshops and looking inside the schools for expertise. Most interestingly, he proposes student led professional development workshops for technology training.
When it comes to digital technologies, our kids often are (or, given the chance, could rapidly become) the experts. We ignore this expertise in most school organization. Shame on us.
The kids get the learning power and social/emotional benefit of being teachers and leaders. Adults and other students learn from the true experts.
A version of this news article first appeared in the Blogboard blog.
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President Donald Trump speaks in Emancipation Hall after the 60th Presidential Inauguration on Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, at the U.S. Capitol in Washington. His administration's order to pause potentially trillions of dollars in federal spending this week sent school districts scrambling to figure out which funds might be halted.
President Donald Trump speaks in Emancipation Hall after the 60th Presidential Inauguration on Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, at the U.S. Capitol in Washington. His administration's order to pause potentially trillions of dollars in federal spending this week sent school districts scrambling to figure out which funds might be halted.
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