We’re happy to announce that the new Teacher Magazine site is now live. Actually, it was been live for a few days now—we were just too frazzled to actually write anything about it earlier. (But we did make our launch deadline—not by much, but we made it.)
The new site—like the re-launched magazine—is intended to give leaders in the teaching profession the information and tools they need to guide their schools and steer reform. It also has a greatly enhanced layout and organization and more interactivity.
This redesign was done on a very tight schedule, but we are proud of the result—and of the resourcefulness and expertise our of entire team. It’s a sign of things to come across edweek.org.
So please go over to www.teachermagazine.org and give us your feedback. We haven’t gotten much so far, so we’re sort of wondering whether people have even noticed.
And remember, everything on the Teacher site is free with registration. Come often, tell your friends, etc.