Gracie from Today’s Homework responds to an inquiry from her former student teacher, now a newbie seeking advice. The beginning teacher asked her veteran-mentor a tough question:
I'm trying to come up with a classroom management plan involving classroom expectations, consequences, and rewards, and I'm having a hard time with the consequences and rewards part.
Gracie’s response includes a writing assignment she gives to her misbehaving students. As for rewards:
I do silly things like The Happy Teacher Dance...or when I get a good answer or comment or reflection I’ll rush over and shake that student’s hand. I’m always telling kids not just that an answer was good but also why it was good. I have gone around the room during an entire class block and at different times I have told each and every kid in that class, “You are my favorite child.” Yes, every kid hears me tell every other kid – be very very VERY sure that you tell every single kid all in one class period.