To get a sense of how educators are feeling about their practice, on a range of new and persistent issues, the EdWeek Research Center recently surveyed more than 1,000 teachers and school and district leaders. We wanted to understand how classroom instruction has been or could be impacted by some of the big issues educators have been managing: the parents’ rights movement, AI preparedness, gender equity in the teaching force, and a more fundamental question: the role of public education in a democracy.
The questions we posed to educators also drove the reporting of this year’s Big Ideas special report. To go deeper, read the reported essays on these questions and others.
Read: What Does It Actually Mean for Schools to Be Public?
Read: Public Schools Rely on Underpaid Female Labor. It’s Not Sustainable
Read: Parents’ Rights Groups Have Mobilized. What Does It Mean for Students?
Click through the arrows for what educators had to say about AI learning.
Read: No, AI Won’t Destroy Education. But We Should Be Skeptical

Data analysis for this article was provided by the EdWeek Research Center. Learn more about the center’s work.