Dmcdowell of A History Teacher says he loves his work, but there’s one aspect of it that fills him with dread: Grading. Noting that he just spent at least 25 hours grading 109 essays for his AP world history course, he has some quite reasonable doubts about the old notion that “teachers have it easy”:
I have friends who have said it must be nice to be done with work at 2:30. But, as my wife will attest to, I am always working. I always have a paper to grade, a lesson to work on, a meeting to attend, or a book to read. When I have nothing to do for tomorrow, I think about the next day or even the next school year. Something always needs revising.
To judge by many other teacher blogs (see our blogroll), this kind of schedule and level of dedication are pretty much the norm.
(From A History Teacher)