MISSION: To be “a national voice” for school improvement based on accountability, school choice, and innovation by classroom teachers.
HISTORY: Founded in 1995 by 11 conservative-leaning state education policymakers.
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: Lisa Graham Keegan, former Arizona state superintendent of public instruction and a founding member of the ELC.
STAFF: Ten, up from three when Ms. Keegan was hired in 2001.
BUDGET: About $1.7 million for ELC operations in 2003, not including a major federal grant overseen by the ELC.
FEDERAL GRANTS: Manages Following the Leaders project, underwritten by $13.5 million in federal grants. Program gives participating schools assessment, tutoring, and other programs to help in meeting requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act. Also received about $400,000 in federal money to market educator-credentialing process being designed by the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence.
SOURCE: Education Leaders Council