Gov. M. Jodi Rell (R) • Feb. 6
Addressing state lawmakers on the first day of their 2008 legislative session, Gov. Rell unveiled a mid-biennium revised budget that represents an increase of $114.4 million, or 4.4 percent, over last year’s K-12 allocation, according to Connecticut Department of Education spokesman Thomas Murphy. He said education officials are still calculating the exact increase for state education aid. The governor did not directly address K-12 education in her State of the State address, which focused on the need for fiscal prudence, despite a projected budget surplus, which she did not detail. But she reiterated her advocacy of a property-tax cap, which Mr. Murphy said could put some financial pressure on local school funding if the Democratic-controlled legislature passes the proposal. Her overall tax and spending plan for the 2008-09 biennium totals $18.5 billion.