Search Student Expulsion and Suspension Data, School Year 2009-10
Search student expulsion and suspension information for more than 72,000 schools nationwide. The data set includes only students without disabilities. Schools with obvious data-entry errors—specifically, those with results that showed they suspended or expelled more students than they enrolled—were excluded.
Search Student Expulsion and Suspension Data, School Year 2009-10
Search expulsion and suspension information for more than 72,000 schools nationwide. The data set includes only students without disabilities. Schools with obvious data-entry errors—specifically, those with results that showed they suspended or expelled more students than they enrolled—were excluded.
You may access this public data set to view in its entirety or create your own analysis. The data are hosted on Google Fusion Table. The original raw data are available at
SOURCE: Education Week analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Education office for civil rights
Reporting & Data Analysis: Nirvi Shah, Michele McNeil | Editor: Mark Bombster | Design and Programming: Chienyi Cheri Hung
Coverage of school climate and student behavior and engagement is supported in part by grants from the Atlantic Philanthropies, the NoVo Foundation, the Raikes Foundation, and the California Endowment.
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