December 7, 2011

Education Week, Vol. 31, Issue 13
IT Infrastructure & Management Bad Online Behavior Jeopardizes Students' College Plans
The number of college-admissions officials using social-networking sites to learn more about applicants quadrupled over the past year.
Robin L. Flanigan, December 8, 2011
8 min read
Accountability Kansas City-Area Districts Brace for Influx of Students
The impending loss of accreditation for Kansas City, Mo., schools could cause an exodus of students to neighboring districts—and impose new financial burdens on the troubled Kansas City school system.
Christina A. Samuels, December 6, 2011
7 min read
Thousands of students, community members, and Penn State fans gather near the Old Main lawn at Penn State's campus on Nov. 11 in State College, Pa., for a candlelight vigil in support of victims of sexual abuse.
Thousands of students, community members, and Penn State fans gather near the Old Main lawn at Penn State's campus on Nov. 11 in State College, Pa., for a candlelight vigil in support of victims of sexual abuse.
Abby Drey/Centre Daily Times/AP
Teaching Profession Penn State Scandal Shines Light on Laws for Reporting Abuse
The child sex-abuse scandal at Penn State has renewed questions over educators' duty to report suspected abuse, but most states are clear on K-12 reporting requirements.
Lesli A. Maxwell & Nirvi Shah, December 6, 2011
7 min read
Equity & Diversity Waiver Plans Would Scrap Parts of NCLB
The 11 states seeking flexibility under the No Child Left Behind Act differ widely on student-achievement goals and strategies to help low-performing schools.
Michele McNeil, December 6, 2011
8 min read
Families & the Community Middle Schoolers Getting Prepped for Higher Education
Successful efforts aimed at the middle grades, experts say, must go beyond specifying coursework.
Nora Fleming, December 6, 2011
9 min read
Families & the Community Photo Gallery: Giving Guidance
In this slideshow, follow Gail Bottone as she tackles questions, meetings, paperwork, and headaches.
December 6, 2011
Reading & Literacy Letter to the Editor English, Math Need Balanced Attention
To the Editor:
I read about rising student math scores and lagging reading scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (Nov. 9, 2011). I find it true that English isn't getting the focus that it needs. Math and English balance each other out in a way that students need to build their skills. I also find that parents need to enforce reading rules in order to have their children read at grade level.
December 6, 2011
1 min read
Teaching Profession Opinion The Teaching Evaluation Gap
An educator's grasp of students' cultural identities can boost learning, and it should also be assessed, write Willis D. Hawley and Jacqueline Jordan Irvine.
Willis D. Hawley & Jacqueline Jordan Irvine, December 6, 2011
7 min read
iStockphoto/Jeffrey Thompson
Education Funding Opinion We Need Next-Generation Funding
Paul T. Hill proposes a new school funding system, saying it would help foster technology-based learning opportunities.
Paul T. Hill, December 6, 2011
5 min read
Education Best of the Blogs Blogs of the Week
December 6, 2011
3 min read
IT Infrastructure & Management Teenager's Tweet About Governor Causes Uproar
A student's recent tweet criticizing Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback soon became the center of a heated debate about students' free-speech rights.
McClatchy-Tribune, December 6, 2011
1 min read
Steve Braden
Student Well-Being Opinion To Boost Learning, Start With Emotional Health
Some schools are entering into promising partnerships to address students' non-academic needs, Jane Isaacs Lowe writes.
Jane Isaacs Lowe, December 6, 2011
6 min read
Kindergarten pupils Piper Stephan, left, and Delaney Lane read to each other at Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School in Glenelg, Md. Maryland is one of 46 states to adopt new common standards in math and English/language arts for K-12.
Kindergarten pupils Piper Stephan, left, and Delaney Lane read to each other at Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School in Glenelg, Md. Maryland is one of 46 states to adopt new common standards in math and English/language arts for K-12.
Matt Roth for Education Week
Early Childhood Common Core Poses Challenges for Preschools
Educators are figuring out how to balance the standards' focus on academic rigor with young children's developmental needs.
Jaclyn Zubrzycki, December 6, 2011
10 min read
School Choice & Charters Report Roundup School Choice
A report tries to determine which school districts offer the friendliest environments for school choice and competition.
Sean Cavanagh, December 5, 2011
1 min read
Education Funding News in Brief To Save Money, Schools in Pittsburgh to Close
The Pittsburgh school board voted to close seven schools, including two high schools, to save money but still faces a $21.7 million deficit for next year.
The Associated Press, December 5, 2011
1 min read
School & District Management News in Brief Class-Size Waivers Triple for Texas Districts
State figures show a more than threefold increase in just one year in the number of elementary schools allowed to exceed class-size limits in Texas.
The Associated Press, December 5, 2011
1 min read
Accountability News in Brief State Eyes Longer Year After District Takeover
The state takeover of the Lawrence public school system in Massachusetts could mean longer school days and fewer days off.
McClatchy-Tribune, December 5, 2011
1 min read
College & Workforce Readiness Report Roundup Middle Schools
The Southern Regional Education Board is calling on middle schools across the South to step up their game.
McClatchy-Tribune, December 5, 2011
1 min read
Education Funding News in Brief Seven States to Take Another Race to Top Shot
Seven states that narrowly missed getting a piece of the $4 billion in Race to the Top money in the last round of the federal grant competition are going for another shot.
Michele McNeil & Alyson Klein, December 5, 2011
1 min read
School & District Management News in Brief Conn. Tightens Rules on Charter Boards
New state regulations have been approved to prohibit people from sitting on more than one charter school board or helping run companies that manage their schools.
The Associated Press, December 5, 2011
1 min read
School & District Management Report Roundup Flu Prevention
Pittsburgh elementary schools saw a decrease in cases of influenza A and in overall student absences.
Jaclyn Zubrzycki, December 5, 2011
1 min read
Education Funding Report Roundup Poor Schools Found to Get Shortchanged
Many schools serving high concentrations of low-income students aren't getting their fair share of public funds.
Alyson Klein, December 5, 2011
1 min read
Teaching Profession News in Brief Teachers' Pact Would Ease Rules in L.A.
An agreement from the Los Angeles and the local teachers' union would give certain schools new freedom to hire teachers and waive parts of the teachers' contract.
Stephen Sawchuk, December 5, 2011
1 min read
Education Funding News in Brief Funding a Problem for Va. Virtual Schools
Virginia legislators adopted a law in 2010 allowing private companies and school districts to run virtual school programs, but how to pay for those virtual schools remains an issue.
McClatchy-Tribune, December 5, 2011
1 min read
School & District Management Report Roundup Teacher Evaluation
Two methods tied to a teaching framework identified the same teachers as particularly high- or low-performing under Chicago's teacher-evaluation pilot.
Stephen Sawchuk, December 5, 2011
1 min read
Student Well-Being News in Brief Most Calif. Students Fail to Meet Fitness Goals
Adding fuel to arguments that California children need to ditch TV in favor of more athletic pursuits, a new report shows that fewer than one-third of students meet state fitness goals.
McClatchy-Tribune, December 5, 2011
1 min read
Students perform a dance routine in honor of fellow students who will be the first to graduate from the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy in Henley-on-Klip, South Africa.
Students perform a dance routine in honor of fellow students who will be the first to graduate from the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy in Henley-on-Klip, South Africa.
Denis Farrell/AP
International News in Brief Winfrey's School in South Africa Turns Out First Graduates
All 72 members of the school's first graduating class have been accepted to universities in South Africa or the United States.
The Associated Press, December 5, 2011
1 min read
English Learners Report Roundup Hispanic Students
A new study takes a close look at how Hispanic students in urban school systems are faring compared with their non-Hispanic white peers.
McClatchy-Tribune, December 5, 2011
1 min read
Professional Development Letter to the Editor Program Offers Credential in Blended Learning
To the Editor:
The article "Education Schools Playing Catch-Up" in your recent educational technology special report (Virtual PD Creates Connections, Oct. 26, 2011) was a good start toward highlighting the gaps between teachers' needs for immediate attention to professional development and programs offered by colleges of education. However, despite referencing the "high profile" Florida Virtual School, the article missed an opportunity to acknowledge a promising new program offered at Florida State University that specifically addresses the needs of teachers as they begin to conduct instruction in online and hybrid environments: the Blended and Online Learning and Teaching, or BOLT, certificate program.
December 5, 2011
1 min read