On April 1, 2014, Education Week hosted EdWeek Leaders To Learn From 2014, a Washington, D.C., event that brought together exceptional school leaders, Assistant Secretary Deborah Delisle from the U.S. Department of Education, and Colorado Senator Michael Bennet for powerful discussions about the state of K-12 education.
Event Videos
Browse specific panels below. (For a full agenda, scroll down.)
Introduction and Awards Ceremony Part One
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District Leader Profile: Dennis Dupree
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District Leader Profile: Nicholas Gledich
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District Leader Profile: Tracy Hill
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Awards Ceremony Part Two
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District Leader Profile: Bertrand Weber
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District Leader Profile: Steven Hodas
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District Leader Profile: Dennis Creedon
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District Leaders Profile: Gail Pletnick and Dan Walker
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Dept. of Education Asst. Secretary Deborah S. Delisle
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