Keeping Students and Teachers Motivated & Engaged

This special reporting series illuminates the toll the pandemic has taken on the psyche of teachers and students, and explores some thoughtful and creative solutions schools can try to confront flagging spirits and disengagement.
- Teaching & Learning Editor's Note: Battling Low Morale and Lagging MotivationTeachers and students are struggling with low levels of morale and motivation as millions of physical classrooms stay shuttered.School & District Management As Teacher Morale Hits a New Low, Schools Look for Ways to Give Breaks, RestorationIn a year rocked by the coronavirus pandemic, teachers say just keeping their heads above water can feel like a herculean task.Student Well-Being Infographic Data Snapshot: What Teacher and Student Morale Looks Like Right NowSee how the pandemic is impacting the morale and motivation of teachers and students in this exclusive EdWeek Research Center survey.Classroom Technology We Love Virtual Learning: Students, Parents Explain WhyFor a small number of students, the COVID-19 cloud has a thick silver lining.School Climate & Safety When Toxic Positivity Seeps Into Schools, Here's What Educators Can DoPapering over legitimate, negative feelings with phrases like "look on the bright side" can be harmful for teachers and students.Classroom Technology From Our Research Center Digital Games: Powerful Motivation Tool or Not So Much?Students are far less likely than teachers to say digital games make learning more interesting.Student Achievement Inside the Effort to Find and Help Disengaged YouthWhen in-person learning abruptly ended last spring, schools and community groups sprang into action.Classroom Technology Why Remote Learning Would Have Been Perfect for MeVirtual education would have spared her the pain of trying to fit in during some difficult middle school years, writes Alyson Klein.