Sir Michael Barber’s new book about the good (education reform) news out of Pakistan is getting some attention for the work his team is doing with school vouchers within the country.
I wrote about the conclusions and fundamental lessons that Barber learned in Pakistan in a previous post, but if you’re interested in a more detailed look at their voucher program and you don’t have time to read the whole book, you might be interested in checking out the following posts.
Chester Finn, over at the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, has taken a look at the book (and voucher program) for the Flypaper blog and argues that the book will be of interest to aficionados of South Asia, foreign-aid skeptics, international-development doubters, and global education reformers. Katie Ash, of Education Week, has detailed the voucher program that the project has implemented in Punjab in a brief post for her Charters & Choice blog.
Barber also wrote about his work, vouchers, and the need for foreign aid to be a temporary measure rather than a long-term solution in a recent piece in London’s Telegraph.