Stephanie Hirsh |
Learning Forward’s mission and vision statements serve as guideposts for the organization. Over the last several months, we’ve been re-evaluating these guiding statements. We believe that our vision needs to speak to a broader audience and make a powerful statement about why professional learning is so important. Likewise, the mission needs to provide more clarity about our work.
At our Annual Conference in December, Learning Forward revealed these new statements.
Our new vision statement is, “Excellent teaching and learning every day.” We wanted a vision that represents our collective desired future -- what Learning Forward efforts are meant to accomplish. When asked to describe what Learning Forward is about, we can say: “We’re an association committed to excellent teaching and learning every day.”
But how do we make that possible? Learning Forward’s new mission represents the organization’s role in making the vision a reality. The new mission is, “Learning Forward builds the capacity of leaders to establish and sustain highly effective professional learning.”
This statement represents our commitment to ensuring excellent learning for every educator every day. We will use our resources to help you build capacity to do the important work you need to do. We will focus our programs, services, and resources to help you to build, launch, and establish programs and systems of professional learning.
And we will apply that same diligence to helping you implement, monitor, evaluate, and sustain those programs, processes, and systems.
We’re hopeful these statements speak not only to our members, but also offer a compelling aspiration for what all educators strive to achieve. In the coming months, we will write more about what the vision and mission mean for us as an organization, how they influence our work, and the connection between the mission and vision and our beliefs and priorities.
In the meantime, please let me know your thoughts on this work.
Stephanie Hirsh
Executive Director, Learning Forward