Annually, Jobvite surveys recruiters and other HR personnel to gather their opinions and perceptions concerning social media and how it impacts recruiting. Specifically, participants are asked which social networks (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.) they prefer, how they use each network, projected value of and investment in social media, and more. The organization created a great infographic, which I have embedded below, to communicate this year’s survey data. I also wanted to share three things I found interesting from the results.
1. Social media usage increases recruiting efficiency and effectiveness.
Respondents noted that utilizing social media in recruiting allowed for a 33 percent reduction in time to hire, 43 percent more candidates, and a 49 percent improvement in candidate quality.
2. If you’re not on LinkedIn, you need to be.
Jobvite reported that 94 percent of the recruiters and other HR personnel they surveyed use LinkedIn to vet candidates. A majority of respondents also indicated that they use Facebook (65 percent) and Twitter (55 percent) to examine potential hires. LinkedIn is the world’s largest online professional networking website with more than 250 million users across 200 countries and territories. Setting up an account and profile on the site is free.
3. Recruiters ARE watching what you post--so make good decisions.
Recruiters shared that certain content on social media can positively or negatively affect their perception of a perspective job candidate. Sixty-five percent of survey respondents said they react negatively to candidates using profanity; 71 percent react negatively to social media posts that are sexual in nature; and, not surprisingly, 83 percent were turned off by indications of illegal drug use from applicants’ social media accounts. I know when I sign onto my Twitter or Facebook account, I always shudder at some of the pictures and comments people post. In addition, 61 percent of recruiters and HR personnel told Jobvite that they react negatively to spelling and grammar errors on social media, but 65 percent respond positively to those who volunteer or donate to charity.
As the survey feedback shows, social media has become an important tool for employers to recruit and research potential candidates for a job. It is also an important reminder for us all that others are always watching what we share online. So, volunteer a little more and as my grandmother used to say, “Mind your Ps and Qs.”
Download the full Jobvite report and access the code to embed this infographic on your website.